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"Thoughts and thinking."


'Action or sound'


We are in combat class watching Cardin and Jaune, sadly even in his hardest Jaune lost.

Glynda: "Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale.







Nora: "So... there we were... In the middle of the night..."

Ren: "It was day..."

Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursai."

Ren: "They were Beowolves."


Ren: "Two of'em..."

Nora: "But they were no match and in the end... Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursai skin rugs!"

Ren: 'Sigh' "She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now..."

I give ruby a cookie and eat it fast like really fast.

(Y/N): "You know ruby, what if you're a dog Faunus. Just imagining... You're soooo adorable. HEHEHEHE."

I grabbed ruby cheeks and squished them.

Ruby: 'Pouts' "Your cruel (Y/N)!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune... Are you okay?"

The whole table stope what they are doing and looked towards Jaune...

Jaune: "Uh? Oh, Yeah! Why?"

Ruby: "It's just that you seem a little.. not okay..."

(Y/N): "Yeah men it's a little bit of sus."

They all looked at me.

(Y/N): "Sus is the shorten of suspencios. You know bro a couple of weeks were together, not romantically. I always see that you hiding something from us. We will not be angry with you men. You like the baby brother of our group no offense."

I walked behind Jaune and put both of my hands on his shoulders.

(Y/N): "Hell even if you faked your way here in Beacon, we still support you since there might be a reason for it."

I looked at Jaune seeing him sweating madly. I swiped my finger on his face and looked at the sweat.

(Y/N): "So is it true what I said?"

He nodded a little.

(Y/N): "Jaune look, Mr. Ozpin is a very smart man, I think. Anyway, I bet he already knows that you faked your way here and seeing you're lacking in fighting experience, maybe that's the reason he chooses you to be the leader of the team so you can develop with the help of your teammates or all of us. Think about it, men."

He sat silently and looking downward.

(Y/N): "All right guys, sai ayi if you guys promised that this is all between all of us that Jauen faked his way to beacon?"

The whole table: "Ayi"

Then we heard laughing we looked towards another table seeing Cardin and his team bullying a Velvet.

Pyrrha: " And another thing, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school.

Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah. He just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!

Ruby: "He's a bully."

(Y/N): "Again bro is obvious, why are you defending him that he's not bullying and it's just a practical joke?"

Jaune: "Oh please... Name one time he'd "Bullied" me..."

Jaune having some flashback of Cardin's doing things to him.

Jaune: "I didn't land far from the school...

Pyrrha: "Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask...

Nora: "OOH! We'll break his legs!

Jaune: "Guys, really, it's fi-."

I clamp his lips shut

(Y/N): "Hush, hush little brother, whether you like it or not we will help you. First, when you're going somewhere you must have someone with you to protect/defend you from Cardin. Except for Weiss since she doesn't care about you men."

Weiss: "Agh, your so annoying for the past weak, I'm going to strangle YOU!"

(Y/N): "Hold up, wait a minute, that's illegal and I'm not into kinky stuff sooooooooooo."

Weiss: "Aghmmmm, mhp. 'pouts'"

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