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Sora's Pov

"Take this!" 

I spun around and bashed my blade into Xion's. She blocked quickly. I grunted before continuing to hit her blade with mine, using one hand as I did so. She countered as I had began to slow but didn't manage to land the hit on me due to me jumping backwards. As soon as her blade came back to her side I leaped for her, raising my blade above my head to strike down with more force. She rolled out of of the way before pointing her weapon at me. 

"Take this!" She yelled. Fire blazed from the end of her blade. My eyes widened and I rolled away before I had time to blink. I felt the heat of fire pass me as a dodged the move. Quickly recovering, I returned to my stance before rushing her once more. I took my left hand off the keyblade so that I could do a right slash. She did the same only she went for a left slash. Our blades collided with a loud clang. We repeatedly did this, switching between left and right, until I finally jumped back. 

"How about this!" I yelled before I jumped in the air, throwing my weapon a Xion. As soon as it left my hand, it spun around almost making it look like a boomerang. Xion guarded herself only making the keyblade return to me. I gripped it tight as I felt it back in my hand. I smiled before landing back on the ground, immediately lunging toward her. She jumped back as I came closer before stepping forward. Our blades meet with each other as soon as she swung. I gripped my sword tighter and pushed harder to break her hold. She did the same only causing our blades to shake as we held the connection. 

"Your a quick learner," Xion commented as a smile appeared on her face. Her breathe was heavy but controlled. I smirked at her and said, "One of my many good qualities." She giggled before jumping back. I stumbled a bit after the loss of pressure. She quickly moved back in and spun around before reconnecting or blades. I smirked and held my ground as she repeatedly tried to break through my guard. 

I just need an opening. 

I saw her turning motion slow a bit. I jumped at the opportunity by blocking one more time. As I did, I pushed her blade to the side and spun around before giving a good slash to the center of her stomach. She grunted before jumping back, grasping her stomach as she did. My eyes widened and I dropped my weapon. It disappeared with a faint clinging sound . 

"I'm so sorry!" I yelled as I ran for her. She laughed and said, "It's fine Sora. That was a good match. You pick things up quick." I relaxed at the sound of her voice. She didn't sound too hurt. In fact, she sounded like she hadn't gotten the wind knocked outta her. Still, I probably shouldn't have gotten so riled up. 

"Still, I'm sorry. I just got so excited," I said. Xion smiled and said, "Really it's fine. I had my armor on. You just startled me. I wasn't expecting you to land a hit." I couldn't help but smile at her compliment. I kicked my leg out and put my hands behind my head, my arms sticking out on either side of me. 

"Well, I am a quick learner," I laughed. Xion gave a soft smile. I returned one back to her before letting out a large breath. Man that was intense! I almost forgot how tired I was trying to do all that. I can't imagen what a real fight is like. Must b-

"Wait," I said suddenly. She turned her head a bit before putting her hands behind her back. I then said, "You said armor. What do you mean? I don't see any metal on you." 

"Oh that," She began, "The energy we use is able to create a sheet of...I guess the right phrase is invisible armor. It is shaped and formed around us so we don't get hurt. Well...more like we don't get severely hurt. You know like not bleeding and stuff like that. Anyhow, you have to learn have to activate it through proper training. It's super simple though and your armor can be broken. After it is, you have to be more carful because if your not, you could get seriously hurt." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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