Deep Cut

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                    The moment was here. The fight. Artemis, Percy, Annabeth, Butler, Holly and Leo stood in front of LEP Army, overlooking the plains before Fowl Manor. The same place the Battle of Taillte had took place. It seemed it was true that history repeated itself. The enemy army stood right before them. All trash talk pleasantries had been taken care of.  It was battle time. 

                      To be fair in the narration, let's take a moment to survey the enemy army. Kronos himself stood atop a chariot a few lines behind the cavalry of dracanea. After Kronos stood the Hyperboreans. After that stood the rest of the army which consisted of a wide disarray of monsteres ranging in size and shape from evil,flesh-eating guinea pigs to huge evil cyclopes. All in all, a spectacular display. But all their toughness were about to be put to test, for our small line of heroes weren't ones to give up easily.

Kronos raised his scythe and uttered a single word. "Kill."

And thus began the battle.

Both armies met in the middle of the field, in a clash of steel, grunts and farts. The 'fart' part of the fight due to the fact that Mulch Diggums randomly popping up from the ground, either devouring or farting at enemy monsters, which was enough to kill them off. Artemis and Butler worked sided by side in sync killing monster after monster. Butler was beyond surprise that Artemis had lasted this long without exhaustion or a single wound. But everything had it's first time. For the moment the thought crossed Butler's mind, Artemis' famous coordination, or lack of it, kicked in. He stumbled slightly, which was all it took for the enemy demigod he was fighting to cut a line across his abdomen. As Artemis had jerked back a second before impact, the wound was quite shallow. Butler was just about to go to Artemis' aide, but it wasn't needed. For just as the guy raised his blade for the kill, Artemis shot a ball of flame straight at his face, scorching off his eyebrows and effectively blinding him for a few seconds long enough for Butler to hit him unconscious.

        Leo was holding his own with his big hammer in one hand and a ball of flame in the other. Whenever someone tried to attach him from behind, a giant automaton claw tied to his waist would keep them engaged long enough for Leo to deal with them.

       Holly had joined the LEP Army and was hovering above the battle field, shooting every evil monster with her modified Neutrino. Half the Army had wings while the other half were foot soldiers. 

       Percy and Annabeth were fighting back to back as always. They were by far doing the most damage to the enemy. Percy summoned huge waves of water from the harbor to drown enemy troops while Annabeth used her Yankees cap to vanish from time to time, invisibly killing off monsters. Some people might have said it was not fair, to which Annabeth might have responded with the all too famous one-liner : " All is fair in Love and War." Which, of course, was entirely irrelevant to the situation as of now.

          After some time of the fight, Artemis found himself fighting alongside Percy and Annabeth as they neared Kronos, who was using his scythe to do substantial damage to their troops. Artemis and Percy swung their swords at the same time at Kronos, who managed to parry it with his scythe's long handle. He swung it in a huge arc, which made the three jump back.

" You cannot hope to defeat me! I am stronger than I have ever been! This place has increased my powers by- Ack! Gwap! pfff!"

The last part was due to the fact that Artemis and Percy had simultaneously blasted him with fire and water. Invincible he might have been, but there wasn't a person on earth or indeed, under it, who could not stumble when such a thing happens. Enraged, the Titan Lord swung his scythe again. And this time, not all demigods were lucky. Annabeth who had been fighting with a few monsters to keep them away from Artemis and Percy, was not able to jump back in time. The blade sliced through her abdomen in a deep cut. She fell with a scream.

Artemis and Percy turned and stared at the form of Annabeth who lay unconscious. Here was a girl, who had been so brave from a small age, refusing t be submissive, rising to the top, lying broken on the ground. She was the only girl Percy had ever fallen for. She utterly loved him and he reciprocated her feelings. Never in his freaky life had Percy ever imagined that she would fall in battle. Artemis was in shock. This could not be happening. Someone he respected as a sister, a fellow warrior and schemer could NOT be defeated so easily. And yet there Annabeth lay, motionless. And at that moment, both boy's felt the same emotion : Rage. Whenever Artemis had felt angry, he always forced it down, calmed his mind.But this time, he didn't even try. His sister had been harmed. There would be a reckoning. Both boys yelled in unison. A big, mighty earthquake shook the ground beneath Percy, opening cracks and killing dozens of monsters at the same time. Balls of fire flew from Artemis' body, scorching anyone who stood near. His entire body was aflame. Both boys surrendered to their anger. Raw, animalistic energy coursed through their bodies. Percy in a hurricane, Artemis aflame, they turned at Kronos, their eyes burning. And together, the charged the Lord of Time.

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