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"hey you okay- oh, harvey why are you crying" lottie said pouting at the boy on her screen who was crying like she'd never seen before.

"molly, she...she.."

"take your time"

"she cheated on me" he said below a whisper but lottie could still hear.

"that bitch"

"lottie p-please don't get angry"

"yeah sorry i'm just mad"

"well yeah clearly"

"with who?"

"i-i don't know.. i didn't pay attention i just saw a video of her out and k-kissing another guy and that was enough"

"oh harvs i'm so sorry"

"it's okay i wasn't good enough i guess"

"no you are good enough she's just blind if she couldn't see that don't beat yourself up about it when it's not your fault"

"i feel like it is though, like i must've done something for her to wanna cheat on me"

"harvey you haven't done anything wrong, i don't know why she cheated on you it just happens but she isn't worth you sitting and crying over her, i know you loved her so it'll hurt but don't waste your life away moping about her when it was her fault and you did nothing wrong"

"i just wish i never saw"

"imagine you didn't though, and you still dated maybe for another 3 months but all those 3 months she was cheating on you, you'd feel ten times more hurt right now so it's good you saw it because she obviously wasn't the right person if she did that to you"

"is there even a right person for me though every girl i date either wants me for the fame or it ends quickly no one appreciates me for me" he sighs the tears coming from his eyes starting to slow down.

"harvey theres someone out there for everyone so trust me there's someone out there for you and you'll find them"

"i'm just starting to lose hope, maybe i should just not date anyone for a bit"

"if you wanna take a break do it, it's only gonna benefit you"

"maybe i don't know i just feel like i caused this"

"harvey listen to me yeah, this was not your fault, don't beat yourself up about it when molly brought it on herself, you'll find someone who'll love you for you, you're cute, sweet, kind, talented and i mean talented you sing like a king, ooo that rhymes" harvey laughed a little from the other side of the screen until the girl continued. "you care about people too so many guys act like they care but don't, but you do, i've known some dicks in my life and your one of the few who i can tell genuinely care, and that's what a girl needs, so whoever it is that you date next and whether that's in a month, 6 months or a year, they'll be extremely lucky to have someone like you, because you are worth it harvs and don't ever believe you're not" harvey started to cry a little again, he was all shaken up and that had just tipped him over the edge, but never once had he been so thankful to have someone in his life like he was thankful for lottie.

"thank you lottie" he sniffs.

"don't cry again, wipe them tears boo"

"no but thank you, no ones ever said something like that to me"

"its what i'm here for"

"you also called me cute again" he smiled through the camera.

"oh shut up"

break the distance (harvey mills fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now