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When people talk about love, they usually talk about the good things, and the things that make you happy. And i'm not gonna lie, i actually believed that a while ago too. But i've later realised that it's so much more than just kisses, makeups and breakups. It's sadness, tears and heartbreak, and sometimes it feels like that's the only thing to it. i've learned that the hard way.

Hi, I'm Lillian Carter,  just your regular sophmore highschool student with okay grades and decent looks. i don't have that many friends. You see, i'm not really the social type, i'm more of an introvert actually. I do have one friend, i would say my only friend , and my best friend at the same time. Asher Lee. The schools nerd with surprisingly many friends unlike me. he's definitely an extrovert. I personally don't get how he does it. I mean whenever i try to make friends i just don't really know what to say. But with Asher, everything has just been so easy.

I live with my family in a small Town in Pennsylvania. My Dad passed away when i was five due to a car crash. i don't really remember him at all, so i've just lived with my mom and my little sister Olivia for as long as i can remember. I also have a dog, Bee. We've had her for about five years now. 


It's the first day of sophmore year, I don't want to get out of bed, i don't want to see everyone from last semester. It's hard going back to a place where you know your only friend has other friends and could leave you as easy as he gets new friends. I don't even know if he wants to be my friend anymore considering that he's the only one I talk to. I don't even have time to get done with my overthinking before i hear my mom calling me from downstairs.

"Lillian! Breakfast is ready!" My mom yells.

I sigh and step out of bed feeling like a dead person walking. I didn't get much sleep last night, the overthinking just takes over sometimes. I get dressed with the new outfit my mom bought me for my first day, she always does that even if I don't ask her to. But she does have good taste in clothes , so i don't really mind actually. I do my makeup, put on my jewelry and pack my bag. I suddenly hear a knock on my door, oh, right i forgot to answer my mom earlier, i'm so tired of everything.

"hey, Lillian, are you ready for school? Breakfast is ready" She walks into my room.

"Uh yeah i'm ready" I sigh.

I walk downstairs to eat my breakfast, i barely eat though, i don't feel like anything today. My cereal was soggy anyway. Right when i'm about to leave the table i get a text from Asher.

'Hey, i can drive you to school if you want? I've got my license you know' The text says.

I answer with a 'okay, see you then' and i walk up to my room to get my laptop. I say bye to my mom and walk out the door. I see his car pulling up on my driveway and he waves at me as i start walking to the car.

"Hey Lily!" He says as he hugs me tight.

I hug him back and sits down in the car.

We talk a lot about our summer as he starts driving to school, of course he tells me about all the friends he made and that he wants to introduce me to them. wow, he really doesn't get it, I literally can't talk to people without totally dying inside. But i guess i need to appreciate him more, i mean he is my only friend after all.

"Okay, then it's settled, my goal for this year is to get as many friends as possible and i'll try and learn to talk to other people too. But you need to have a goal too Ash" I say really afraid of my incoming schoolyear after that.

"Fine, then my goal is to.." He pauses as he thinks for a while.

"..get a girlfriend" He sounded really confident while saying that, so i almost beleived him for a moment.

"Ha ha, good luck with that. You'll need it" I say sarcastically as i roll my eyes and smile.

"Oh shut up Lily" He chuckles.

We both chuckle as he drives into the school parking lot. It feels wierd seeing school after a whole summer break. But it's fine, i'll get through this year just like i've done with all the other school years in my life already.

When i get to class, everything is back to normal. People passing notes, Throwing paper airplanes at eachother and just chatting. I really hope we're just doing some fast assignment today cause i really don't feel like working today. My history teacher, mr. Phillips walks in the classroom and immediately silences everyone in the class. I was probably the only one who wasn't making any noise. The lesson went fine, nothing special really happened which i'm happy for.  I went home after all of my classes of the day and prepared myself for the really wierd and hard year that was infront of me.



So this was kind of the introduction to my new story "Meant To Be" By me lol

I really hope you guys like this new type of story i'm writing cause it is a bit different to my old one that i ended. I also hope you got to know the main character a bit more.

Have a great day/night! <3

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