In love

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"Wake up Lily!" I hear My sisters voice as I start waking up.

She's standing by my bed, still in her p-jays.

"Why'd you wake me up Olivia?" I yawn.

"well, if you would be smart enough, you would know that you have school today. Oh and someone is waiting for you downstairs" She says with a small smile on her face.

I wonder who that person downstairs would be as Olivia walks out of my room.

I walk downstairs to see Asher standing by the stairs on his phone.

"Ash, what are you doing here?" I say confused.

"Hey Lily, uhm i figured i could drive you to school." He says looking up from his phone to look at me.

"Thanks, but would you mind waiting for a few minutes? i really need to get ready." I say kind of embarrassed that i wasn't ready in time.

"Yeah that's fine. Hurry up though" He says looking down at his phone again.

I quickly rush to my room to get ready. I put on some makeup, put on my clothes and grab my things. I walk down the stairs and walk together to Ash's car.


When we get to class, I'm feeling really absent-minded and i can't focus on where i'm going properly. I suddenly bump into a guy. And not any guy, my crush for years. Ethan Adams. We where actually together in second grade, i guess that doesn't really count as a real relationship. But i've liked him ever since.

"Hey watch where you're going!" He says as he pushes me away from him.

I couldn't really speak as he said that, I just couldn't get myself to say anything.

He changed his tone right when he realised it was me he just bumped into.

"Hey Lily. We should talk sometime" He smiles.

"Well, not right now. I'm going to class." I bump into his shoulder as i walk away. Maybe the tone of my voice sounded mean, but what are you supposed to say when your crush is right in front of you and you, at the same time need to get to class?

When i get to biology, i realise something different, Ethan is in this class aswell. Oh god no. He must have transferred to biology before the start of this semester.

Miss Watson, my biology teacher walks in the room and starts a presentation. She then explains how we're doing projects in groups of three. That's when my panic starts to kick in. I can't talk to other people. I mean Unless i know them. But i don't really know many people in this class except for Asher of course. And i doubt i would be paired with him anyway.

"Okay, so for the groups.." Miss Watson starts.

"Miss Carter will be paired with Mr Lee and Mr Adams." She says quickly and starts putting together the other groups.

'Shit' i mumble to myself as i start walking to Asher and Ethan's seats since they sit together.

It can't seriously get any worse from now. I mean i'm happy that i got paired with Ash and all but Ethan? I won't be able to talk to him and he'll just ruin everything. I guess i'll just accept it then. But i'm not happy with what just happened. '

As i get to their seat i see Ethan smirking at me but i just ignore him.

"So.." Asher starts.

"My place at five?" He says awkwardly.

"Yeah sounds good Ash" I say as i look at him trying to not think about Ethans wierd looks at me.

"Great.. well, see you guys then i guess" Ethan winks at me.

What? Did i imagine that or did that actually just happen to me? I thought he didn't even like me. Actually, maybe that doesn't mean he likes me. I don't know.


After school, i get ready to get to Ash's place to start the Project. When i walk up his poarch and knock on his door. I'm met by Ethan opening it.

"Oh uhm hey Ethan" I say nervously as i awkwardly stare at him for a long time i think, since he started looking at me wierdly.

"Well, aren't you coming in?" He says raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"yeah right, sorry" I say as i snap out of the trance i was in apperantely.

After a while of talking about the Project on Ash's couch. Asher starts speaking.

"So, are you guys going to Emmas party on Thursday?" Ash looks at me.

Emma Fisher is a new student in my grade from last year, she became pretty popular really fast actually.  She apperantely moved here from Spain. I don't really like partys and i usually don't go to them.

"Of course i am." Ethan answers.

"uhm i don't know" I look down at my phone.

"Oh c'mon Carter, it's not that bad" Ethan says touching my shoulder.

"I suppose not, but i'll think about it" I say knowing i will end up saying no anyway.


When i get home i lay in my bed, thinking whether i should go or not. I think about for a while, and i realise that this can be a chance for me to get to know more people, because of the promise i made. Well, i especially want to get to know Ethan a bit more of course, i think the project really made me like him a lot more. I think about for a while more and i eventually decide to go in the end.


So this was the first 'real' chapter i guess since the other one was just an introduction.

I hope you have a great day/night!

Bye <3

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