A new friend

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[ RECAP: Lily outed Ethan and Sarah for cheating on her and Asher in the school cafeteria. Liza confessed to lying about knowing about everything and Lily can't take her apology ]

The first day of Christmas break is rather boring, it doesn't even truly feel like Christmas. The only event today, is my sister Olivias Christmas play. I don't know why they would put a play right in the beginning of a break. It's so dumb.

The play starts at four thirty, so i decide to watch something to kill some time. When it's almost time to go, i put on my favourite pairs of jeans, with a sweater and a pair of sneakers. Olivia is playing the mean kid who destroys all the Christmas presents, which is rather fitting since she is in fact really annoying.

When i get there, i try to look for my mom, so that i could sit beside her. But she's of course sitting by Mr and Mrs Garcia, Liza's parents. I guess Lizas brother Carl is playing in this too.

I decide to sit by the only empty seat which was beside some guy in my class. I only know him as the guy who ruined my class presentation in 8th grade with his paper airplanes shooting at my back every time i turned my back against my computer. So you can probably figure out already that i haven't really liked him ever since that.

"Hey gorgeous" he says confidently looking at me.

"Practicing flirting are we?" I say sitting down in the chair.

"No not really, you're just extremely gorgeous" he says.

I reply with a small smile and nothing more.

"I'm Ben" he smiles.

"And i'm a girl sitting beside you at some Christmas play" i smile back.

"So.." he pauses.

I look at him to see what he's about to say.

"I could just call you 'airplane girl' from now on then?" He chuckles.

"You still remember that?" I laugh a bit.

"I'm surprised you even remember" he smiles.

After a few moments of silence he speaks again.

"Who are you here for anyway?" He asks.

"My sister. She's the one in the pink costume, you?" I point at Olivia so that Ben notices.

"Oh, i'm here for my brother , over there" he points to a short little brown haired boy.

"Cool" i say not knowing what to answer.

We keep talking during almost the whole play until it ends.

"Bye Ben" i say standing up from my seat.

"Bye...airplane girl" he laughs.

I chuckle as i walk to the car with my mom and Olivia.

"i'm so proud of you sweetie!" my mom says happily.

Olivia smiles.

"yeah i really liked it!" I say trying to be nice to her for once.

"it's not like you actually watched it, you were just busy with your new boyfriend the whole time" She grins.

"what" My mom says, looking at me probably thinking i'm stupid or something.

"he's just a friend from school" I roll my eyes.

"Right" my mom and sister says ironically.

I roll my eyes once more.


I lay in my bed after the play just thinking about all of the things that had happened the last four months of my life. The problems with Asher, Liza, Sarah and Ethan. Just as i'm thinking about that, my phone buzzes. It's a text from Asher.

'Hey Lils, i know stuff has been really complicated and wierd between us lately, and i've been slipping away from you. But i really don't want to loose you as a friend. So i was wondering if you wanted you come to dinner tomorrow night at my house. My family wanted to see you, me too aswell. I fully understand if you say no, if i was in your situation i would probably be unsure too.' The text says.

The unusually long text surprises me, but i really do want to do it, just to clear the air and talk.

'Of course:)' i text back with a smiley face to not sound too serious.

'great! See you tomorrow' he texts back.

We did this a lot before and it usually wasn't wierd, but now that some things has happened, i really hope we can come back from this..

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