Karma's a bitch

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I walk into school, the day before Christmas break, ready to end it with Ethan. I would honestly fake my own death and flee to another country than to be with him for another day. Nothing has changed in the halls, just the Christmas decorations that the teachers put up yesterday. Besides that, it's just how it's always been for the past few months. Emma and Asher talking by their lockers, some of the guys being immature as always, all the couples hugging and being all over eachother by the seating area. And oh, there's Liza, she's alone looking at her phone as usual. I try to make her day better by speaking to her, but she just seems like she wants to tell me something, but feels like she can't. I don't know, it's like she knows something i don't. I look around a but before i start walking over to Liza, Ethan's not anywhere to be seen. Hopefully he's sorry for everything, crying at home, of course i wouldn't forgive him anyway, but it would be nice to have him actually feeling sorry for his actions sometime. But that thought doesn't last for long, because i, seconds later, see him walking into school, with a big grin on his face, laughing with his friends. Well, he sure was not crying, that's for sure. He looks at me with a smirk on his face, but this time it's not a "please forgive me i'm a nice person" kind of smirk, this time it's more of a "i'm a jerk and i know it but i don't give a shit" kind of smirk. I hate him.

I walk over to Liza, since she's the only person i can actually talk to now that Asher is probably drooling all over Emma. Ew, i don't want to think about it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask as I approach Liza.

"Oh hey, i'm just scrolling through insta" she says, not even looking up from her phone to talk to me.

I sit down beside her.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I say fidgeting with the ends of my hair.

"What? No, why would you think that?" She looks up from her phone this time.

"I don't know, you've just not been acting yourself lately i guess. I feel like there's something you haven't told me" i raise my eyebrows.

"No, there's nothing, I promise" she smiles kindly as we start walking to class.

Ethan is in this class, but still, he's not here. I wonder where he is. I mean, he's not the ditching school type of guy, his parents are very strict about his grades and his preformance in school.

After a while in class, i need to go to the bathroom, so i ask for a hallpass and start walking to the bathrooms. I walk by the lockers, the seating areas, and finally , the Janitors closet. I walk by it normally, giving the small window in the door a small glance, as i see something. Are there people in there? I take a closer look, i see Emma, hooking up with some guy. As the guy moved closer to the door, i could see who it was, it was Ethan..

Not only had Ethan cheated on me with Emma, Emma had aslo cheated on Asher. He's gonna be devastated. I freeze, not knowing what to do, or where to go in that moment. All of a sudden, Emma sees me theough the window, i expect her to be embarrassed, or atleast get startled. But she turned to me and winked at me with a big smirk on her face. I just started heading to the bathroom stalls, there is no one in the bathroom, so i just stand there, leaning on the sink, i can see tears forming in my eyes. Why am i crying? I shouldn't be crying. Not after everything. I should be mad at him. Really mad. After thinking about all that, something switches in me. My crying little sad face i once saw in the mirror, has turned into an annoyed angry face. I'm ready to end this.

After some classes, ignoring everyone. It's time for lunch. I don't care about my secrets, my reputation, or anything anymore, i'm done.

I'm sitting on a lunch table with Liza, she seems confused, i mean i would be confused aswell if i was her, considering how i've been ignoring her since i went to the bathroom earlier. I don't even care if everyone thinks i'm overdramatic or anything for doing this. But i'm doing it anyway. I want everyone to know how much of a dick Ethan is. I stand up on the table, overdramatic? Yeah, i warned you.

"Hey guys" I say loud and clear so that everyone will hear what i have to say. I never thought i would do this. Going from being someone that usually never talks to anyone besides her best friend, to someone who stands on a lunch table talking to everyone.

Everyone turns their heads to look at me.

" so you might wonder why i'm standing on a lunch table right now, well you see, i need to warn you guys about some things that are dirty and disgusting at this school" i smirk, looking at Ethan and Emma. I think they know what's coming for them.

"The things i'm talking about are two students, Emma Fisher and Ethan Adams. Ah yes, these two" i laugh pointing at Emma and Ethan. Asher looks really mad at me for talking about Emma like that, but he'll understand.

"you see they're just disgusting in every way possible, for example, Ethan here" i walk down from the table and walk closer to his table.

"He's used me multiple times! Yeah, and probably a lot of other people here too. " i chuckle.

"And Emma, oh god, were do i begin?" I walk over to her and Asher.

"Okay stop it Lily" Asher says trying to defend Emma.

"Just let me finish. Emma, she's done a lot of things, for example, she's forbidden me from being near my best friend, Ash, because , well god knows why." I look at everyone else in the cafeteria. They're all shocked, some doesn't even look surprised.

"But that's not even half as bad as the next thing i'm about to say, yes , there's more." Asher is looking really confused , looking in between me and Emma.

"She cheated on Asher with Ethan! Which means Ethan also cheated on me" i chuckle.

I look back at Liza to see what she's doing. She's walking towards me looking like she's about to say something.

"Hey so i just wanted to confess about something i guess, uhm so i kind of knew about the cheating thing" Liza says looking nervously at me.

"What?!" I raise my voice.

"I saw him the weekend after Emma's party in the beginning of the school year" she pauses.

"He was hooking up with Emma, he's been doing it ever since, and his excuses about his 'alcoholic dad' were all lies" she raises her eyebrows.

"Well, i guess that was all then" i say in a shaky voice as everyone walks out of the cafeteria to go to class.

When i'm about half way to class, Ethan stops me in the hallway.

"Hey! Do you realise what you just did?!" He yells.

"Yeah, and i don't care" i say with a smirk on my face.

"You've ruined my whole reputation!" He slaps me right in the face.

I get a little startled, but quickly got back to normal again.

"Your reputation isn't the only thing that's gonna be ruined after today" i punch him right in the nose after i say that.

I'm not gonna lie, i hope it's broken, or atleast, i hope it hurt. I get to class before he could do anything else. And luckily, i don't have anymore classes with Ethan or Emma left for today. But i really don't like the fact that Liza is in this class, how could she lie to me like that? It would hurt less if i knew about it from the start. I'm not going to forgive her until she actually explains why she didn't tell me.

After all of my classes are done for the day and it's finally Christmas break i walk out of the school to get to the bus. As i'm about to walk to the bus i see Asher and Emma arguing. Probably over the big bombshell i dropped in the cafeteria earlier. Asher is screaming at Emma and she looks really unbothered, you can see that she definitely doesn't care about Ash at all, i think i did him a favour by letting him know about everything. I'm still mad at him though, we were best friends, and then he just decided to leave me for someone who doesn't even deserve any kind of love. I hate him. I hate everyone.


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