Broken expectations

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It's saturday and I wake up receiving a text from Ethan.  He asks me to hang out at his house to sleep over. I'm not sure, i mean i would love to, but i just don't know if it's too soon. But i say yes anyway, what's the worst thing that can happen?

I start packing my bag with the stuff that i need and i realise that i literally haven't even told my mom about Ethan yet. Not that it's been a long time, but i still think i do need to tell her. I am a bit scared though. What if she doesn't like him? Or doesn't like the fact that i have a boyfriend? I walk downstairs to find my mom watching TV on the couch. I walk up to her and sigh.

"Hey mom, i need to tell you something" i start. She notices my nervousness and a concerned look appears on her face.

"What's up Lillian?" She pauses the TV to look at me directly.

I decide to get right to the point to avoid making the conversation longer than it needs to be.

"Uhm. So i've liked this guy for a while and it turned out he liked me too..." i pause.

"So i basically have a boyfriend now" I continue.

She gasps. I hope she takes this well. I mean what would i do if she hated me now? She hugs me tight.

"Who is he?" She breaks the hug.

" his name is Ethan" i blush.

"You mean that Ethan you where together with in elementary school?" She asks as she furrows her brow.

"Yes" i answer.

We hug one more time and i tell her about sleeping over at Ethans place later. She seems a bit sceptical, but i think she'll come around to liking him actually.

To kill all the time i have before i'm going to Ethans place i decide to go to the mall and buy some new clothes since i needed some anyway, when the time is about 6 PM, i start going home when i'm home I walk up to my room to get ready to leave. When i'm all ready, i say bye to my mom and start walking to Ethan's house, it's about a 10 minute walk to his house so i'm fine with just walking.

when i get to his house i knock on his door. He opens, and right when i see him, he's wearing sweatpants and no shirt with his wet hair from showering. He's so pretty. I can't stop looking at him.

"hey" he says kissing me which brings me out of my staring.

"Hey" I say happily as i kiss him back.

We walk up to his room together and decide to order pizza, we order the pizza and start watching a movie together. When we're done watching the movie, i start getting really tired and i fall asleep in Ethans arms. The last thing i feel before falling asleep is Ethan kissing my forehead with a smile against my skin.


I wake up before Ethan the next morning so i decide to check my phone. I notice i got a text from Asher, he was asking if i wanted to hang out later. I answer with a "maybe i'll get back to you later" with a smiley face. I turn off my phone and cuddle closer to Ethans chest. I fall asleep again.

Ethan wakes me up about an hour later with a kiss on my neck that wakes me up with butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

"good morning" He says in a raspy morning voice.

"good morning" i kiss him.

"my parents aren't home so would you want to make breakfast together?" he asks.

i nod as we get out of bed. We walk down the stairs to the kitchen. He takes som eggs out from the fridge and asks me t chop some fruit to eat on the side.

"so what are you planning on doing today?" He asks while i cut the fruit.

"Oh i actually don't know" I answer forgetting about Asher asking me if i wanted to hang out.

"What so you're just not going to tell me about you hanging out with your new boyfriend today?" He raises his voice a bit that startles me.

"Wha-" I don't even get to finish what i'm saying before he interrupts.

"Oh you can't be serious?! I saw you texting Asher about hanging out later" He raises his voice even more, that makes me accidentally cut my wrist with the knife i was using. I make a small noise from the pain.

"Ethan he's just a friend" I say trying to stay calm as i turn around to face him.

He quickly looks at my bleeding wrist as he quickly rips his eyes off it and looks back up at me.

"Shut up! You don't get to speak" He slaps me.

He actually slapped me. Why did he do that? doesn't he like me? I feel tears streaming down my face and my wrist pounding in pain.

I run out of his house towards my house. I run into my house and into the bathroom to stop the bleeding on my wrist. When the bleeding stops i lay on my bed sobbing and i can't stop. I stay in my room for the rest of the day crying not letting anyone in and not answering anyones texts or calls.

It never thought love involved hurting the people you care about even if you're really mad at them, and i didn't even do anything wrong!

This isn't love.

This is something much more complicated than that, and i don't want that.

I thought love was simple..


thanks for reading chapter 4

Thanks for 32 reads by the way!

Have a great day/night <3

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