Sharingan no Kakashi

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Zabuza removed his hand from the water prison that Kakashi-sensei is trapped in, but he still got grazed on the cheek by the kunai that Naruto threw.

Damn, Naruto thought of that? That was a pretty good plan from observing me.

But uh oh.... Zabuza had a killer look in his eyes, he was beyond furious. He started to spin the fuuma shuriken that was in his other hand and prepared to throw it at Naruto who was falling into the water. "You little brat!!!!!"

"Yabai, Naruto!!" I ran around Zabuza's clone to get towards Naruto in time and out of the corner of my eye I could see Sasuke running towards him too.

"Oh!" I quickly stopped at the edge of the water staring at Kakashi sensei who was dripping wet with water, he had managed to stop the fuuma shuriken with the back of his hand, dripping dark red blood onto the water just as Naruto fell into the water with a loud splash. And man, Kakashi sensei had a scary look in his eyes, this was totally different from the laidback Kakashi sensei we also saw.

"Kakashi sensei!!" Sakura shouted in relief, Naruto popped his head out of the water and panted but smiled at the sight of his sensei freed from that water prison.

"Naruto, great plan, being able to observe what Akiko did and changing it so that it would succeed was really outstanding of you. As well as Sasuke and Akiko, well done on working together with Naruto. You've all grown up." Kakashi sensei praised us to which Naruto laughed with glee.

Not gonna lie but that was pretty damn smart, especially since it's from Naruto. Guess I should stop looking down on him.

"The purpose of the Shadow Clones wasn't to take down Zabuza, but to hide my transformation into the Demon Wind Shuriken! Oh, but I didn't expect Akiko-chan to help me distract Zabuza so thanks Akiko-chan you really helped me out there!" Naruto was smiling from ear to ear as he waved to me from the water as thanks. 

"I left one clone behind, then transformed into the Demon Wind Shuriken. That clone then threw the real me who had transformed into the Demon Wind Shuriken towards Sasuke! When Sasuke got me, he must have realized right away who I was, he then took out his own shuriken, and that's the shadow shuriken Jutsu!"

"I hid myself in the shadow of the real shuriken and aimed for Zabuza. Of course I didn't think I would defeat Zabuza! But I thought if only I could destroy the Water Prison that sensei was trapped in. And as a bonus I defeated his Water Clone, too.... ahah it was a huge success!!" Naruto was really proud of himself for coming up with a plan and succeeded in rescuing Kakashi-sensei.

Eh, I'll let him have it, he's not as dumb as everyone thinks. He should deserve the credit this time.

"Hmph, that was just a fluke... you were just lucky Akiko and I were here to back you up." Sasuke smirked but he was happy too that we succeeded, guess he doesn't mind Naruto getting most of the credit this time.

"Hmph... I got distracted and released the jutsu, that's all." Zabuza didn't want to admit that Naruto got him.

"That's not it! You didn't release the jutsu, they forced you to release it." Upon hearing that, Zabuza turned to glare at Kakashi sensei, he can't accept the fact that he got outwitted by a bunch of genins.

I could see Sasuke tense beside me as he got back into his battle stance. "Sakura, don't let your guard down." I could hear him tell Sakura as they moved to stand in front of Tazuna-san. I noticed Naruto was still in the water, clearly he couldn't tell that the 2 older ninjas were about to have a big fight. I waved my arms in an attempt to get his attention so that he could get back to shore.

"I'll tell you now, I don't fall for the same jutsu twice. So what will you do?" Kakashi sensei warned Zabuza.

Zabuza was quiet for a bit before he closed the blades of the Fuuma Shuriken and pushed down on it harder so that Kakashi had to block 4 blades instead of one. Kakashi sensei gathered his strength and pushed up against the blades and flung the fuuma shuriken out of Zabuza's hands into the air. 

Naruto, the 4th member of Team 7Where stories live. Discover now