Survival Training Part 3

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They don't look like illusions though, they look like actual clones of himself! This isn't the clone jutsu that we learned in class, but then when did he even learn it? Is this why he passed the graduation exam?

"Security is your greatest enemy! This is my best technique, mass shadow replication jutsu, dattebayo!" One of the Naruto clones declared, unless that's the real Naruto? I'm so confused.

Once they landed onto the ground, they immediately ran towards Kakashi sensei who was watching them, could he be surprised with Naruto's jutsu?

Kakashi sensei decides to put away his book, that must mean he must be serious about fighting Naruto now. 

My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed a Naruto running at Kakashi from behind, I see now, the clones that are running towards Kakashi sensei are just a distraction! Naruto then jumped onto Kakashi sensei, grabbing onto his shoulders, clearly catching Kakashi sensei off guard as he stumbled.

"Nyehehe, a ninja shouldn't let the enemy get behind them, right Kakashi sensei?" he continued to explain his strategy to Kakashi sensei as his clones dived at his legs, preventing him from escaping. "I used my kage bunshin no jutsu, I let one of my clones sneak out from a lower part of the river, and made it sneak behind you!"

One of the Naruto's jumped into the air, getting ready to punch Kakashi sensei, "I'm going to pay you back for what you did to my butt! I'm going to punch you!"

Alright! If Naruto could distract him, we could definitely work together to take him down! He's a jonin so it would be stupid of us to think we can take him down by ourselves, we need to work together! 

I quickly took out my kunai and attached a paper bomb onto it, preparing to throw it at him while thinking of a jutsu to use.

But looks like, we had our hopes too high. Once Naruto landed a punch on Kakashi sensei, he transformed into a Naruto clone???? Wait, so Naruto was hitting himself? Dang it, I lost my chance there.

"You.... you must be Kakashi sensei You transformed didn't you!" Naruto accused the clone.

"No, you are!"

"You smell like an old guy!" the group of Naruto's began to shout as they accuse each other, they even went so far as to hitting each other in an attempt to undo the jutsu.

Baka, he should just undo his jutsu and not waste any more energy!

Naruto must have had the same thought as me as all the clones immediately disappeared. Clearly Kakashi sensei didn't transform into Naruto, he must've switched himself out with a Naruto clone while we weren't paying attention.... which means he must be hiding out with us! 

Crap! He could be behind me for all I know! I quickly looked around me and stayed still to detect any movements, but there were none, so I sighed in relief.

When I looked back towards Naruto, he was running towards something on the ground, is it a bell? No way someone like Kakashi sensei would've dropped that, he must have done it on purpose! It's a trap, baka Naruto!

Just as he stooped down to retrieve it, there was a sound and then Naruto was hanging in the air, his legs were tied together by a rope, so he was just dangling from a tree branch. See, it is a trap.

"What the heck-?!!!" Naruto screamed as he tried to free himself. "Oiii, oiiiiii!!!! The bell!!!" Naruto was disappointed that he fell for a trap, and the bell was just right beneath him, yet he couldn't get his hands on it. So close yet so far.

Kakashi sensei suddenly appeared again and picked up the bell, "Use your techniques after thinking carefully. That's why it was used to your disadvantage." he advised. "And.... don't fall for an obvious trap, baka." he teased.

This made Naruto even more frustrated as he wriggled about even more. "Ninjas need to think beyond the normal." he continued.

"I know already, damn it!"

"Ano ne, I'm only telling you this because you don't, get it? Your movements are filled with unnecessary motions."

An opening! He's turned his back against us! I quickly threw my paper bomb kunai at him just as I saw some shurikens flying towards him, that must've been from Sasuke, definitely had the same thought as me.

"Youre so... oh?" Kakashi sensei was hit by Sasuke's shuriken first before my kunai struck the ground beneath him and the paper bomb blew up.

Did we do it?

"Woahhhh!!! He got hit!!! Sasuke overdid it! And a paper bomb too! Could it be Akiko as well?" Naruto panicked as it looked like Kakashi sensei did get hurt.

Once the smoke subsided though, what was supposed to be Kakashi sensei was actually just a log with Sasuke's shurikens on its side. 

Kuso! Substitution jutsu! I just revealed my position! He could be coming for me at any moment now!

Naruto, the 4th member of Team 7Where stories live. Discover now