The Akiyama Clan

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The Akiyama clan is one of the largest clans in Konoha, apart from the Uchiha and Hyuga. Its a well respected clan and they are on good terms with the Uchiha and Hyuga. 

Goseishitsugan. This is the Akiyama clan's doujutsu, it roughly translates to five elements. Which is what it does.

The user is able to perform any jutsu due to the ability of having an affinity to all 5 elements. However, they are only able to use it for a short period of time say 15 minutes, this is to prevent them from being too powerful and being too reliant on their doujutsu. 

If they were to exceed the time limit, it would take a toll on their body, other than feeling more fatigue, it could actually injure their own organs. Basically, they would have to end the doujutsu unless they wish to kill themselves.

Apart from that, due to their kekkei genkai, having an affinity for the 5 elements allows them to have combined nature transformations, such as ice style, boil style etc. But that's all their doujutsu allows them to do, so their doujutsu is not as strong as the Uchiha. Nevertheless this didn't prevent enemy ninjas from attempting to steal their eyes in order to obtain their power.

Akiko Akiyama is the youngest child in her family, her father being the head of their clan, she has an older brother and sister with the brother being the heir of their clan.

The 3 of them are close with Itachi and Sasuke, despite being from different clans, they always meeting up regularly to play. Her brother, Akio was Itachi's classmate in the academy and would train together before Itachi became busier as he climbed up the ranks.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter if you could even call it that. It's just an introduction to the Akiyama clan, and i suck in telling stories so i hope y'all bear with me. Im planning on giving some more insight into the friendship between Akiko and Sasuke in the next chapter! Thanks for reading.

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