The Massacres

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They say that time will heal everything, but will it really?

It doesn't seem that way, not for Sasuke at least.

"Sasuke-kun? Gohan!" (Lunch!) I called out to him as I knocked on his door. I waited for a few moments. Silence.

I sighed, "It's outside your door okay? Make sure to eat Sasuke." I told him softly as I placed the tray of food down outside his door and went downstairs.

It has been a week or so since the Uchiha clan massacre. It was horrible to say the least. I could still remember the day clearly.

Sasuke and I had finished our training pretty late that day, and Sasuke left in a hurry because he didn't want to get into trouble. I realized that Sasuke had left his homework, knowing that Sasuke would need it, I convinced my brother to return it to Sasuke immediately.

Upon reaching the Uchiha clan's entrance though, we realized something was wrong. The banners were torn and it was eerily quiet despite it nearing 8pm. We entered cautiously and were stopped in our tracks immediately.

Blood. Dead bodies. Everywhere.

I screamed of course and Akio tried to cover my eyes from the gruesome sight but I had already seen it. Concerned about Sasuke's wellbeing we ran to his house to find him unconscious outside of his house. We were relieved to find out that he had only passed out, and not you know, dead. Akio then immediately took us both home where my parents could make a report to the Hokage.

Ever since then, the Uchiha Clan's residence was blocked off as they got rid of the dead bodies and blood. My parents decided that Sasuke should live with us first before he returns to his house, that way we could all keep an eye out for him and be there for him.

But, other than attending the academy, Sasuke has locked himself in our guest room and has refused to talk to anybody. My parents reassured me saying that he'll be okay, and that I should understand him because he's grieving and is in shock over what happened. 

I sure hope so, I miss Sasuke already.


It was on my 7th birthday when the same fate befell upon my clan.

It had been months since the Uchiha clan massacre, and Sasuke had returned to his house for some months now. We still hung out and trained together, but that innocent and cheerful Sasuke that i had once known had disappeared.

Things were going back to normal, and my birthday was coming soon. Nothing could go wrong right? 


"Happy birthday to you~" my family sang the last verse of the birthday song before I made a wish and blew out the candles.

"Hurray!" everyone cheered and hugged me.

"Ah how fast time has passed, to think that our dear Akiko is now 7!" my father said as he looked at me emotionally. "Next thing you know, it'll be your wedding day!"

"Tou-san, don't you think it's a bit too early to be talking about that?" (Father) Azumi, my sister  gave him a look.

I giggled as I helped my mom in cutting the cake to distribute, "Daijoubu nee-san." (It's alright, sis.)

She gave me a smile then looked up when there was someone knocking on our door. Frantically.

My father immediately got up to open the door.

"Tadashi-san, we're being attacked by a large group of people! They're not from the village but they're strong! They're here for our doujutsu!" the man at the door told my father quickly.

Everyone immediately became tense as we were aware of how serious the situation is. My father turned to look at us with a serious look. "Kids, go find Hokage-sama and get help from the village. Yui, come with me. We'll buy the kids time."

Everyone immediately got up to get their equipment except me. I had a bad feeling about all of this, and I know i wasn't the only one  who felt this way.

"Come on, Akiko." Akio pulled me up by the arm and we exited the house. Before we could leave though, i grabbed my father's sleeve and looked up at him with watery eyes. 

I was scared and worried that we might end up like the Uchiha clan. Sure, we've had people who attempted to steal our eyes before, but it was never this serious.

My parents could tell what i was thinking and they both knelt down so that we were on equal eye level.

"Don't worry about us Akiko. You do your part, and stick closely to Akio and Azumi okay? Once Hokage-sama sends help, we'll be able to finish that cake okay?" my mother stroked my hair before they pulled me and my siblings into a hug. 

"Stick together, and stay safe. Now go!" my father commanded as he and my mother ran off with the guy.

My brother gripped both me and Azumi's wrist as he's the eldest and a genin and ran towards the Akiyama clan entrance.

Please Kamisama, let everything be alright. 

Naruto, the 4th member of Team 7Where stories live. Discover now