"Physically I am okay! Mentally is questionable, but I blame it on uhh..."

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This OC is made by -HarmonicQuill-! Thank you for the submission.

Note: Things that are underlined are going to be referenced when I make a comment, for clarity purposes. 

Joke: Physically I am okay! Mentally is questionable, but I blame it on uhh....you know what nevermind.

(Wattpad wouldn't let me put the full joke for the title, sorry!)

Fandom: I would say an AU of different worlds together, but my original idea mixed in. The universe they live in is called the 'Land of the Forgotten.'

The Land of the Forgotten is a world consisting of different people from different worlds. All of these people are 'forgotten' from their original worlds and lives here now immortal. They are brought here because something went wrong in their universes. Their universe is the building block of alternative universes/timelines. Some things that could go wrong are someone who dies when they aren't supposed to, an event that isn't supposed to occur, or people that aren't supposed to be there. Those people who have been affected directly due to the screw-up, are brought to the 'Land of the Forgotten', or their soul is brought there.

(Great world building! I'm already in love.)

If their soul dies at any moment, this screws up the original universe and all the alternate universes connecting to it. The damage can't be undone, so they live for the rest of their life fixing mess-ups in an alternate universe. Their souls inhabit this puppet-like body. They can regrow their limbs/organs if they were to lose any and slowly heal cuts and buries, but they still feel the pain. They don't require eating and drinking, and occasionally they will take a small nap. Time works differently in every dimension so they lost sense of time, but they go off Universe Alpha(Earth) time.

(If the accident can't be undone, how do "Those taking orders" fix the worlds? Do they even fix the worlds where the souls originated from, or do the worlds just disappear? Or did you mean can't be undone for their death?)

The way they look is usually based on how they last looked before being brought here. Any damage on their body will transfer over to the puppet's body- like scars. For example, if someone was brought there after being burnt alive, they could have fire scarring or parts of them that radiates fire.

(Going off of the example provided, if the puppet radiates fire, could others be hurt by this? If so, that would basically give everyone powers depending on how they died, right? If someone died to nuclear radiation, could they radiate the nuclear energy?)

They take orders from the 'gods'. They are the core and are the ones that allow every universe to thrive and live. Born from the emptiness of the void and made life. They see themselves as the idea of 'perfect'. They are everywhere and nowhere. Always watching and punishing those who go against their will and orders. Those taking order from these send gods,

(Question: What was the last sentence supposed to say? You left it off at "Those taking order from these send gods,"Do they send gods to do their jobs? Wouldn't that cause the gods to kill them, seeing as that would go against their will/orders?)

They usually kill people that aren't supposed to be in that universe or know about the gods. They also help fix worlds and set events into motion. They usually pose as another person in the world and befriend the 'protagonist' so they can set certain events. They also play by the rules in that world, so their powers can be limited sometimes or strength.

(I see- But if they play by the rules, and one of their jobs include something like... Killing off someone whose power isn't from the world, how would they complete their job? Or do they have special ways of finishing jobs?)

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