Incoherent Screeching, My Solution To Everything

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This OC was submitted by @awkward_reindeer (Who has now deleted their account)! Thanks for the submission. Let's begin!

Note: Things that are underlined are going to be referenced in the next note.

Joke: Incoherent Screeching- My solution to everything.

Fandom: Original- It's set in a universe that's kind of a mix of the 1880s and a little bit of steampunk. In some parts of this fictional universe, they have all that fictional steampunk technology and in others, they're a little more true to the 1880s depending on the city and culture. The country this story is set in is probably in a place similar to Britain.

(Ooh, nice! Make sure to keep tabs on EVERYTHING. Fics that are set in the past have trouble keeping out what's modern and keeping in what was actually there. But seeing as this has a touch of steampunk, I'm sure you won't have any problems!)

Name: Braxton [Goes by last name]

(Nice name! It definitely fits with the time.)

Nickname: Shortie (Blair), goblin man (Blair again), Like my fourth favourite person (Lizard/Lee), practically prince charming (Blair), feral thing that lives in our shed™ (Blair yet again), Dr frankenfuckup* (Wilson) [* Yes I understand given the time period 'dr Frankenfuckup' probably wouldn't be a nickname or even an insult but please god just let me have this one thing.]

(I don't think it's too big of a deal, as long as the emphasis on it isn't too extreme! Bringing up time periods often can break a reader from your story and make them get distracted in trying to check the facts. So otherwise, just be careful, and you're gonna do fine!)

Gender (FTM): He/Him

(Yay, a trans character! Specifically one that's AFAB. Instantly in love /hj It's pretty uncommon to see a AFAB trans character, so I feel a special kinship with him kjdagvdhg)

Sexuality: asexual, panromantic

(It's pretty rare to see aces in stories, so this is nice too!)

Ethnicity: probably British?

Age: 15(ish)

Appearance: pretty short (5'1), terrible posture most often hunched over, mop of curly auburn hair that's usually attempted to be slicked back, freckles all over face and shoulders, muddy hazel eyes, dark puffy rings around eyes from lack of sleep, 47 kg [which is about the average for his height], occasionally wears thick round glasses for reading and SCIENCE, sharp facial features, fairly small build, sometimes gets acne on his face, usually wears victorian style lab coat and/or a dark red waistcoat paired with formal black pants and occasionally a black overcoat.

(I adore the fact that you gave him face acne, almost all books don't bother giving their characters any sort of blemishes, so it makes him stand out a lot! Add that with his terrible posture and lack of sleep and you get a pretty relatable character.)

Personality: Braxton is weirdly decisive and specific and if he gets an idea in his head he will almost always do it. He is ambitious, almost to an unhealthy degree and will lock himself in his lab and deprive himself of self care until he gets the answer he wants. He adores science [especially chemistry and biology] and 'seeing how things tick', one could say he's a little obsessed . That being said he's not very good at understanding other people's emotions and for the most part has given up even trying to. When it comes to people and conversations he's quite rude and generally flat out ignores the person trying to talk to him unless he knows them personally and even then he still sometimes ignores them. He is also generally a very curious person and always wants a clear cut answer to everything, no stone is allowed to be left unturned in his logic. He is quite selfish and usually only has his best interests in mind, if there was a fire for example he would just flee without even giving the other people in the building a second thought. He tries to be dark and brooding to appear older [and more mature] than he actually is. The reason for this is probably because he hates when people don't take him seriously and treat him like a little kid. Even though he likes to think of himself as logical he can often have a hard time regulating his own emotions. He is very aware of this and often tries to hide them or block them out. This can sometimes lead to emotional outbursts and rash decision making. He can be a bit bratty and a little childish at times such as if he messes up he'll immediately pin the blame on someone else. If he doesn't like you he will make it known through passive aggressive comments and indirectly insulting you. He is screechy and a tiny bit neurotic, although most of the screechy and neuroticism can probably be blamed on his lack of sleep. He likes his space and doesn't like crowds since he finds them dirty and claustrophobic. He is also a little prideful and has a distaste for asking for help. A little morally grey as well. Despite all of this he is actually quite intelligent (academically) and despite his flaws he is getting better (slowly) because character development.

(The curiosity and selfishness could make some really interesting situations, this traits work pretty well together! I am also slightly biased towards characters that don't fit into the 'perfect model protagonist' mold, so I think it's nice that he is morally gray!)

Strengths: Braxton is quite an intelligent individual who can quickly solve problems. He is generally curious and leaves no stone unturned. He is quite inventive and can come up with new exciting ideas quite easily and new ways of thinking about things. This character is also very ambitious and usually knows exactly what he wants. Very fast learner because of his fairly unique way of thinking about things and doing things. He's pretty objective and a fairly persistent guy and usually completes the thing he says he's going to complete. He is independent and driven by his goals.

(I wouldn't say that being curious is necessarily a strength- If anything, wouldn't it be a weakness? If he gets so obsessed with something trying to figure out how it ticks, wouldn't it make more sense that whenever he gets caught up in something by accident? Either way, looks pretty good!)

And, sadly, their link no longer works so this is about as far as I could get with the review ^^; Sorry for taking so long to not even be able to give a full review!! But from what I've seen and remember, I'd give this OC about... maybe a 9? I can't give an accurate rating since I haven't reviewed them in their entirety, but thus far, he seems like a good character! Thank you for the request!

(Originally published January 29, 2022. Jesus I took a really long time huh)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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