1. The Adventure Begins

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It was yet another ice-cold day in Narnia, as a young girl wandered through the piles of snow. She was on her way to pay a visit to her old friend, Mr. Tumnus.

She smiled to herself, enjoying the calm silence of snowflakes falling from the sky. That calm silence was short-lived, however, when voices were heard from up ahead. The young blonde hid behind a tree; in case it was one of the witch's servants.

She listened closely as the voices continued to speak. It didn't sound like a wolf. Or a dwarf. Intrigued, she slowly took a few steps further, until two small figures came into view. Narrowing her eyes, she realized they were kids, like herself. A boy with raven black hair, and a brunette girl. The boy seemed to be around her age and the girl about a year or two younger.

"How do we get out of here?", the boy asked, clearly freezing. The girl took his hand and dragged him away.

The small figure waited until they were out of sight before coming out from hiding. 'I gotta remember to tell my parents about this', she thought to herself, before swiftly running off to Mr. Tumnus' house.

"Hello? Mr. Tumnus?"

When she heard no answer, the young girl carefully opened the door. Inside, she saw the faun pacing back and forth, as if awaiting someone.

He looked up when he heard the door creak. "Li – Linnea. Wh- what are you uhm. What are you doing here?"

Something was definitely wrong. Mr. Tumnus only ever acted this way if there was a reason to worry.

Although Linnea could tell he did his best to act normal. Which was not going well, by the way.

"I just wanted to come by and say 'hi'. But, if it's a bad time- "

The faun sighed heavily with a forced, yet loving, smile. "You know I always enjoy your company, Miss Linnea. But you're correct. Now is not, the best time...", he spoke with obvious hurry in his voice.

Taking the hint, Linnea gave a small nod, signaling she was listening.

"I need you to bring this to your parents, along with a message", Mr. Tumnus said as he walked over to the young girl. Linnea saw he was holding a small piece of fabric in his hand.

"Another daughter of Eve has appeared in Narnia", he stated simply as he handed the white handkerchief to Linnea. "I've helped her twice now, but sooner or later, the witch will hear of it"

Linnea looked down at the soft fabric in her hands. Growing up, she's never been allowed to wander anywhere but between the beavers' dam and Mr. Tumnus's hut. Her parents had taught her which trees were on their side, so she'd know where to step. But this new daughter of Eve wouldn't know. Word of her arrival could've reached the witch already.


Linnea zoned back in when she was shaken back to reality.

"Go. There's no time to lose. Give the handkerchief to your father and tell him to be on the lookout for a 'Lucy Pevensie'. Should she come back and- "

The faun stopped for a moment, unsure if he should continue.

"Should the witch have gotten to me by then, she'll be safe at the dam"

Linnea felt her heart drop.

"You should come along", she said. "If Jadis sends her patrols. If you stay with us, she won't find you"

The faun smiled warmly at the girl's offer. "That is a rather tempting offer, but if I'm not here when Lucy returns, she'd likely go looking for me. Aslan forbid she'd even wander straight into dangerous territory. I must stay here"

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