8. Confrontation

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Linnea narrowed her eyes on the target. She stretched her arrow, before sending it flying. Not only did she hit the bullseye, but she'd also practically sent the arrow flying through the target.

"If you can hit our enemies with that amount of force during battle, our chance of winning have increased heavenly"

The girl turned at the voice from behind her, to find it was Oreius. The centaur that had saved her and Edmund.

"Just target practicing", she mumbled, before aiming another arrow.

"Seems more like stress release if you ask me", the centaur replied, like some sort of 'know-it-all'.

When the girl didn't answer, he spoke again. "What's on your mind, young one?"

Linnea sighed before lowering her bow.

"I was hoping Aslan could tell me what my purpose was here, but apparently, I have practically already completed it. It'd be nice to know what it was though"

With that, she fired another arrow, hitting the same spot as before.

"Well, I don't know much about prophecies but I do know that Aslan must've had a reason for not saying"

With a scoff as her reply, the girl fired an arrow at a target further away.

"Forgive me, milady. But I think, fulfilling a prophecy and fulfilling a purpose, are two different things. Just because you've done what's written on a scroll, doesn't mean there aren't things left for you to do"

"Now you're just repeating the lion", Linnea huffed back. She didn't mean to be disrespectful. It was the frustration getting the better of her.

With a sigh, she turned to face the centaur. "I'm sorry, Oreius. I know I'm still needed. My parents for instance. And there's still a war to be fought. I just wish I knew what it is I have already done that was the reason I came to Narnia in the first place"

The centaur smiled gently down at her. "You'll figure it out. But right now, we should get ready for the battle that's ahead of us. I believe we still have some sword practice to do. Let's gather the kings"

The girl nodded while putting her bow away and followed the centaur back towards the main tents.

After spending an hour practicing their fencing skills, Edmund and Peter decided to shake things up by having a duel while on horseback.

After jumping into his saddle, Peter looked back at Linnea. "Why don't you go practice with Lucy and Susan?"

The girl gave him a smug look. "Oh, so just because I'm a girl, you automatically assume I'd prefer to stay on the ground?"

She tightened her sword around her waist, before jumping onto her steed.
"Get ready to eat my dust, your highnesses", she playfully saluted, before running off, leaving the two boys bedazzled.

The girl calmed her horse when she'd reached Susan and Lucy by the targets and turned in her saddle to see how the boys were doing.

She had to stifle a laugh at the sight of Edmund rapidly swinging his sword while trying to steer his horse, Phillip, at the same time.

"Come on, Ed! Like Oreius showed us", Peter chuckled at his brother.

"En garde!"

While the two boys were circling each other, Linnea decided to go for another run.

But before she could, she saw her father approach them.

"Linnea, Peter, Edmund!", he shouted.

"What is it dad?", Linnea asked. By then, the boys had stopped their fencing and were also paying attention to what the beaver had to say.

"The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan! She's on her way here!"

A wave of fear washed over the girl as she looked between her friends. 

Her eyes met Edmunds, who looked beyond petrified. She steered her horse and stopped so she was right next to Edmund.

"Don't worry, Ed. We won't let her do anything to you. If she tries, she's going to lose an eye"

This made Edmund ease up a bit. He at least appreciated the comfort.

He felt the girl give his hand a quick squeeze before jumping off her horse. He and Peter doing the same.

"Take them back to the stables, will you?", Peter asked some fauns, before the three kids rushed to where a crowd of Narnians had already gathered.

"Jadis, the queen of Narnia! Empress of the Lone islands!"

Linnea arrived in front of the crowd along with the Pevensies, to see the witch arrive on a throne carried by some dwarves.

Her ice-cold gaze was locked on Aslan as she ignored all insults that were thrown at her.

The kids eyed the witch carefully as she rose from her seat. Linnea felt her grip tighten on her bow, ready to strike.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan"

Narnians started murmuring while all eyes fell upon Edmund.

Fortunately, Aslan was quick to defend him.

"His offense was not against you!"

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"

"Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch!", the lion roared back. "I was there when it was written"

Jadis had a smug look on her face. "Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood belongs to me"

"Just try and take him then!", Linnea shouted, aiming an arrow at the witch. There was no way she'd let her get her claws on Edmund. Not again. Not if she had anything to say about it.

Peter too got into defense mode, as he drew his sword and stood before both Edmund and Linnea.

The witch scoffed at the pathetic kids before her.

"Do you really think mere force will deny me my right?"

Without giving the kids another thought, the witch turned her attention back to Aslan.

"You know that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water"

"That boy,", she continued, now pointing directly at Edmund. "will die on the stone table. As is tradition"

Not half a second later, an arrow flew straight by the witch, only missing her face by a centimeter. All eyes immediately fell upon Linnea, whose eyes were boiling with rage.

"Next one won't miss!", she yelled.

"Enough!", Aslan roared. "Stand down!"

Linnea eyed the lion for a second, before backing down reluctantly.

"I shall talk with you alone", the lion spoke again, now referring to Jadis.

Everyone's gazes followed the pair as they disappeared into Aslan's tent.

After waiting in anticipation for what felt like forever, the crowd rose to their feet when Aslan and Jadis emerged.

The kids glared daggers at the witch, who eyed Edmund, as she kept walking past them.

Everyone turned to Aslan. 

"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood"

Relief washed over the kids, as the crowd erupted in cheers.

"How do I know your promise will be kept?", the witch asked, directed at Aslan, who simply roared at her as if telling her to f*ck off.

Linnea didn't waste a second before embracing Edmund in a hug. Words couldn't describe the relief she felt at that moment.

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