9. A Night Of Chaos

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The sun had set over Aslan's camp. Every Narnian had gone to sleep. Well, all except for one.

There, in the dark, a young girl was target practicing. The only light to help and guide her was a few lanterns and the light of the full moon.

"What are you doing?", a voice spoke behind her, giving the girl a start.

With a gasp, she turned around and almost fired an arrow at the silhouette behind her.

"Edmund", she said with a sigh, as she lowered her bow and turned her attention back at the target. "Thought you'd gone to bed"

The boy watched the girl hit another bull's eye. "I couldn't sleep. Got a lot on my mind"

After shooting another arrow, the girl turned around to face him.

"You worried about the battle?", she asked, to which the boy shrugged.

"I mean, yes, but that's not it. It's hard to explain"

Linnea gave him a small smile for comfort. "Try me"

The boy looked puzzled for a moment before his eyes met hers.

"I guess I just don't understand, why you were so eager earlier?"

Linnea was confused at his answer. "What do you mean"

"I mean you were ready to fight the witch. You almost pierced her face, for crying out loud! I mean I know you want to help Narnia, but that seemed a bit reckless, even for you"

The girl slowly felt herself grow nervous. She didn't even know why she lashed out like that. That was partly the reason she was still awake.

"To tell you the truth, Ed. I don't know. I just couldn't let the witch get you. Not again"

The boy looked down for a moment. "But maybe that's what I deserve..."

"No, Ed. You listen to me! You've already suffered enough. Everyone here has forgiven you. The only one that hasn't forgiven you, is you"

The young king finally focused all his attention on his friend, revealing the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Ed, you're not a traitor. If you were, you wouldn't be fighting with us, but here you are. Which is why I trust you"

She smiled at the boy who was drying his tears with the back of his hand. The two stood in silence for a few moments, before Linnea spoke.

"Well, we should both get to bed. We can't fight if we're all worn out"

She smiled softly at Edmund, before leaning in and kissed his cheek. Her action caught the both of them off guard.

After another moment of looking at each other in shock, Linnea laughed nervously, to which Edmund joined in a second later

"Goodnight, Ed", the girl smiled softly before walking off towards her tent.

"Night Linnea", the boy spoke softly after her, before walking off in another direction.

As he made his way to his tent, the boy couldn't help but smile, which soon turned into a grin, as his friend's words were still echoing in the air around him.

'She trusts me'

After getting comfortable in his hammock, careful not to wake his brother who was sound asleep, Edmund placed a hand on his cheek where the girl had kissed him, filled with newfound determination.

Once again, a smile found its way to the boy's lips as he slowly dozed off, thinking about the first person to make him believe that he truly mattered.

It felt like not even an hour had passed when the young kings were rudely awoken by a familiar blonde. "Edmund! Peter!"

The two kings woke with a start. Peter franticly drew his sword, so much so he almost fell out of his hammock in the progress.

They calmed down a bit, upon seeing it was just their friend. However, seeing the distressed look on the girl's face, made them worry once more.

"Linnea? What's wrong"

The girl breathed sharply before letting them know what she had just been told.

"It's Aslan. He's dead"

The boys shared a look before following the girl towards the tent where their king was supposed to be.

Peter decided to go in and check for himself. After a few moments, he came back out with a sorrowful look on his face.

"You're right. He's gone"

Linnea, Edmund, and Oreius who had joined the trio looked at each other in sorrow, before Edmund turned to Peter.

"Then you will have to lead us..."

The oldest brother looked at Edmund with disbelief.

"Peter. There's an army out there, and it's ready to follow you"

Linnea smiled softly at her friend. Seeing him support his brother this way, made her prouder than she'd ever thought she could be.

"I can't", Peter said, on the verge of tears.

"Aslan believed you could!", Edmund told his brother.

Linnea nodded at the oldest brother before continuing. "And so do we"

Peter looked at her for a moment until Oreius spoke up.

"The witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?"

The young king looked between his friend and his brother with newfound determination.

"Assemble our troupes"

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