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Xiaojiu's eyes lit up suddenly, "Okay!"

She always wanted the little villain to come over to eat or something, because now aunt works, he is often at home alone, but her father doesn't like it.

Now her dad offered it, of course it would be fine!

Helpless, Su Shengjing walked out with her little hand and knocked on the opposite door.

Soon, the door opened. Seeing Su Jiu, Rong Si's dark and deep eyes suddenly flashed a light.

"Brother!" Su Jiu stood outside the door and called him cheerfully, with a sweet smile on his face.

Rong Si's eyes were deep, he saw something on the Internet, and her father had caused a little trouble recently. Does she know?

But she could still laugh, there was no difference from before, she probably hadn't seen it.

Then he was relieved.

Su Shengjing looked at him condescendingly, his attitude was not too good, but it was not bad, "Hey, boy, do you want to come and play with Xiaojiu?"

Rong Si nodded immediately.

Su Jiu reached out and took one of his hands and said cheerfully, "Brother, go!"

She really likes this little villain. He was so behaved before he became black. She had never seen such a behaved little boy. It was a new kind of love. So, it would be a pity if such a good child becomes blackened, isn't it?

Rong Si closed the door and followed her home. Seeing her ponytail at the back of her head, he thought a lot in his mind.

Now many people on the Internet are scolding her, saying that she was so scheming at a young age to frame the person named Qin Feng with her dad, calling her very bad, and even worse, someone directly scolded her. She is a little bitch, little wild kind.

He knows what it's like to be scolded. Before, many people disliked him when they saw him, scolded him as a beggar, and chased him and beat him. Because he had experienced that kind of feeling, he didn't want Sister Xiaojiu to suffer from it too.

If she doesn't know, then don't know it all the time. It's so good to be happy every day.

Su Jiu gave a gift she received two days ago to the little villain, "Brother, play this!"

That was a model of a ship sent by Xiao Yang. It was very large. There were hundreds of parts of various parts alone. How long would she have to fight for? She has no talent for such craftsmanship.

But the little villain in the novel is a genius, he can learn everything quickly, just let him do it well, he will surely be able to do it. Besides, boys should be interested in this model, right?

Thinking about it, Su Jiu asked casually, "Brother, do you like models?"

The little villain looked at her with deep eyes, and said like a little adult: "If you think I like it, I like it."

She has the final say.

Su Jiu, "..."

Suddenly, her heart beat fiercely.

I go! She was actually picked up by a six-year-old kid, ah ah ah ah!

It is hard to imagine what a disaster he will be when he grows up.

Su Jiu quickly adjusted her mood and smiled at him, "Brother is so smart, he will definitely finish it!"

"Then I'll assemble it for you." Rong Si took the model and sat down on the sofa with her, then unpacked the package and poured out the contents.

In addition to the parts and instructions, there is a beautiful blue card.

Rong Si's eyes flickered, and he reached out and picked up the card, with a line of crooked characters written on it, which looked like a kid had written.

[Sister Xiaojiu, this is a model I like very much. I will give it to you. I hope you like it. ——Xiao Wei]

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