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Su Shengjing was stunned, "What?"

Su Jiu looked serious and repeated: "Dad, let's do the task. The children in the orphanage are very poor. They don't have parents and need people to care for them. Let's take the money and buy them snacks and toys?"

She squeezed her small fist as she spoke, full of energy.

Su Shengjing pursed his lips again and asked her, "The baby really wants to go?"

"Yeah! Dad, let's go."

"That's okay." Su Shengjing took the task card again, and as Xiao Jiu said, first went to the town to buy some things, and then went to the orphanage.

The orphanage is in a small town near the village, about an hour away. The father and daughter took the car of the show group and followed the other fathers.

On the way, Han Xiao looked at the little girl who was obediently nestled in Su Shengjing’s arms, and in his heart he cursed the show crew about what kind of messy task this was doing. Will Xiaojiu be upset? He couldn’t help but say, "Little wine, You will see a lot of kids later, are you happy?"

Su Jiu heard that he wanted to comfort her, and smiled sweetly, "Well! Xiao Jiu was very happy. When I was in the orphanage, there were many children who could play together. It's just that they were all abandoned by their parents. It was very pitiful... So we are going to visit them and give them warmth!"

Han Xiao is no stranger to the super-strong language organization ability of the little girl.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her emotions, as usual, she relaxed, smiled and said, "Well, Xiaojiu is right. We should care more about those children."

Han Siye on the side nodded vigorously.

That's right, Sister Xiaojiu is right!

After more than an hour, the group came to the orphanage.

The dean is an elderly grandmother who is about 60 years old. She received a call from the program team yesterday. She heard that the guests were coming to the orphanage to visit the children. She was very happy. Before arriving, they led the children to wash their faces and hands, put on their best clothes, and waited in the yard together.

So, when the show crew's car arrived at the orphanage, they saw a gray-haired grandmother standing in the middle, surrounded by more than twenty children.

The children are all wearing old clothes, because they are thin, and most of the clothes don't fit and are loose. The ages vary, the oldest looks eight or nine years old, and the youngest is only two or three months old, lying in the cradle inside, unable to come out to greet the guests.

Su Jiu saw these children have yellow and thin faces, but their eyes were so clean and clear. When they got out of the car, they politely shouted "Hello, uncle and aunt", and she couldn't help but think of her previous days.

When she was a child, she was one of these children. She didn't have enough to eat or wear warmth, and all her food and clothing were donated by well-wishers, but there were so many children and not enough points.

Every time someone came to donate money and materials, the Aunt Dean would lead her and the other children out to politely greet them and thank them.

Thanks to those kind-hearted people, she and the children could survive. Although she was a little reluctant, she never starved to death.

So now seeing these children, Su Jiu's heart suddenly feels uncomfortable.

Some parents really don’t deserve to be parents. If they don’t want children, why give birth to them? 

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