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Su Shengjing glanced at Han Xiao triumphantly, as if showing off something.

Han Xiao: ...I'm heartbroken.

It's done, knowing that you have an intimate little padded jacket that is only your head, no need to show off to me!

No way, he could only lead Han Siye to find another place to set up a stall. Han Siye's face was stern, not to mention reluctant.

Before long, the other three pairs of fathers and children also came over, and each found a place to sell persimmons.

The onlookers felt fresh when they saw it, hey, what's going on today, one by one looks like fathers and children from the city, selling vegetables in small places like them is really fresh.

Later, they learned that they were here to record the show. They also learned that it was a task. Most people who originally wanted to buy persimmons with them chose to wait and see.

Since they are recording the show, they finally took the scene once, so they can't let them complete the task so easily. And how to say it is to sell things again, they have to listen to how they promote it.

These pairs of fathers and children sell persimmons, and it is only natural to buy whoever sells them well.

It's almost noon now, Su Jiu's stomach is already hungry, but according to the regulations of the program group, she and her dad can't bring money with them. If you want to eat, you have to sell persimmons.

So, the next step is to sell hard!

There were a lot of people around, and the grandparents all had fascinating smiles on their faces, as if they were waiting to see how she and her father would sell them.

Although a little embarrassed, Su Jiu had no choice but to give up the lunch for herself and his father and the effect of the program. She said to Su Shengjing, "Dad, let's sell persimmons!"

Su Shengjing asked with interest: "How do you plan to sell them, baby?"

Su Jiu thought for a while, if you want to sell something, you have to shout, right?

So she blinked a pair of big eyes and said to the people around: "Grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunts, do you want to buy persimmons? These persimmons were picked by my dad and I just this morning. They are very fresh! The persimmons are red, big and very sweet. Buy some, go back and taste it, I promise you won’t be disappointed~"

The three or four-year-old little girl is the cutest time, can run, jump and communicate smoothly with people. The little milk sounds soft and cute, and it feels soft to hear.

Especially when her big round eyes look at you with anticipation, alas, who can stand it?!

Anyway, those mothers and aunts couldn't stand it. Seeing that it is not easy to sell things with such a small child, they asked about the price one after another.

Not to ask Su Shengjing, but to the little girl, as if she was the boss.

Su Jiu replied tirelessly, selling the fruits and vegetables they brought along, saying sweetly: "These vegetables are also freshly picked! Look at this tomato, it's big and red! This eggplant, how good it grows~"

The onlookers all smiled and watched the small dumplings vigorously organizing the language promotion. They all found it very interesting and stayed where they were.

Su Shengjing was left aside, looking at his daughter's immature face full of seriousness, trying to sell persimmons, he didn't know what happened, and suddenly a trace of sourness appeared in his heart.

Su Jiu works so hard for such a small matter, so what reason does he have to slack?

Some uncles and aunts thought this little girl was cute and wanted to listen to her for a while, so they didn't buy it for a while, and she had a problem.

I Become A Burdensome Child After TransmigratingWhere stories live. Discover now