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Sheng Tianci immediately hugged the little girl in his arms and looked at these people in black clothes and trousers warily, "Who?"

A man in the lead said coldly: "Master Sheng, Master Su said that he would like to see the young lady, so please give us the child."

These people were sent by Su Guobang?

Sheng Tianci looked outside the apartment complex and saw the luxurious and low-key Lincoln RV from Su Guobang.

Heh, this old man is really powerful. He wants to see his granddaughter but will not get out of the car and send so many people over. Isn't he afraid of scaring the child?

Su Jiu felt that no matter how great the old man was in the business world, he would be good, but he really failed when he was a father and a grandfather. In the current situation, if Su Jiu changed to a normal child, she would have been crying with fright a long time ago.

Sheng Tianci frowned and said, "What if I say no?"

"Master Sheng, you can't help it."

Just as the atmosphere was tense, the butler came over and respectfully apologized to Sheng Tianci, "Master Sheng, I'm sorry, the people under his hands can't do anything. The old man hasn't seen his granddaughter for a long time, and I always wanted to see her."

Before, Su Shengjing refused to let the old man see the child. Knowing that he was filming on the set right now, the old man planned to take the child to Su's house.

Although the housekeeper felt that this was not very good, but this was an order from the old man, and he could only do it.

Seeing Sheng Tianci's brows frowning tightly and his eyes full of vigilance, he didn't mean to hand her over to them, the housekeeper said: "Master Sheng, don't worry, the old man has changed his attitude towards the young lady now, and he will not do anything to the child. On the contrary, he still loves her."

Sheng Tianci said sarcastically, "Change? Huh, who is rare? Also, some people hurt the little wine. There is no more for him!"

The butler was a little embarrassed, "Master Sheng, I know that the old man is doing something wrong, but he still cares about the young master and the young lady. You really don't have to worry about the old man hurting the young lady."

Sheng Tianci was still reluctant, wondering if he could drive directly and leave with the little girl. But with several people around, this is not something that can be done easily.

While struggling, the little girl leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Uncle, it's okay, let me go."

Sheng Tianci was taken aback, "How can this work?"

"Yes, you can, uncle, you have to believe me!" The little girl said swearingly.

To deal with an old man whose head of the family is too burdened to let go of dignity and pride, she is still confident.

"But, if the old man starts to attack you again, you have a long and two short words, how can I explain to your father?" Sheng Tianci's expression was rare and serious, and he turned his head and said to the housekeeper: "Go tell the old man, if you want to take the little wine to the Su’s house, I have to go with you. Otherwise, I won’t hand her to you."

These words made Su Jiu a little touched.

How did Dad met such a fairy friend and loved him?

After the housekeeper told Sheng Tianci's words to his father, Su Guobang looked very unsightly, "I want to look at his granddaughter, when will it be his turn to tell him?"

But in the end he let Sheng Tianci take the little girl to Su's house. However, when Sheng Tianci was holding her and was about to walk into the door, the bodyguard rushed up and took the child from his arms with lightning speed. Before he could react, he was clasped with his hands by the other two bodyguards, and forcibly stuffed it back into the car, closing the door with a "bang!"

I Become A Burdensome Child After TransmigratingWhere stories live. Discover now