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On the contrary, he accepted whatever he requested, even if he had already filmed a scene, but changed it temporarily, he was not at all annoyed at all, actively cooperating with everyone, and did not grunt for several hours in a row.

It’s just that when he was resting temporarily, he would take a photo out of his close-fitting pocket, and he can’t help but laugh every time.

Smiling so softly, you don't need to think about it to know that it is a picture of his daughter.

A few female staff members saw him smile like this, all of them blushed, took out their mobile phones to secretly take photos, and after uploading them on the Internet, they were unsurprisingly on the hot search again.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so tender smile! awsl! 】

[Does this still need to be said? I must be watching a little wine! 】

[Oh, my brother is so handsome and healthy when he smiles, I can do it again! 】

[My brother's picture is too good to play! No way, this TV series is the first one after my brother came back, I have to watch it when I die! 】

After Su Shengjing finished filming the scene of drinking in the rain, a staff member gave a towel. Su Shengjing said "Thank you", then took it and wiped the water on his head and face casually.

That face was young and handsome, and the slightly messy hair dropped a few wetly on his forehead, which added a bit of unruliness to him, causing the female staff around him to bump into the inner deer.

They have to say that Su Shengjing is really handsome after losing weight. He seems to be getting more and more handsome. The former national school grass is back!

While admiring it, a milky voice suddenly came over, "Dad!"

Su Shengjing was startled, and immediately looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a small pink dumpling happily running towards him.

His eyes lit up instantly, and his heart couldn't help but become excited. However, when the little dumpling was about to run in front of him and hug him, he quickly reached out and stopped her, smiled and said, "Baby, Dad is wet, so Dad will change into clean clothes and hug you."

"Yeah~" Su Jiu nodded.

Su Shengjing found his backpack in the locker in the rest area, took out a set of clothes from it, and quickly walked towards the dressing room without delay for a second. He looked back at the little dumpling while walking and smiled at her.

Seeing his father's figure, Su Jiu's heart suddenly became sour.

The little stars around, there are one or two assistants around them, and they will arrange everything for them. But Dad was alone, but the staff gave him a towel. What about the others?

The assistant will not only deliver towels, but also a cup of hot water, which will be warm. If they are hungry, the assistant will immediately buy what they want to eat. There will also be a nanny car to pick you up where you want to go.

Dad can only eat a simple box lunch with the crew and drive back by himself.

The more Su Jiu thought about it, the more heartbroken she became. No, no, no. Later, she will persuade her father to hire an assistant. It would be too hard for him to be alone!

Su Shengjing quickly changed his clothes. After coming out of the locker room, he saw Xiaojiu standing outside waiting for him. He smiled suddenly, reached out his hand and hugged her up, and looked at her incomparably fondly, "Baby, miss dad yet?"

"Yeah! I really want to, does dad want a little wine?"

"What do you mean?" Su Shengjing squeezed her little face, "Daddy misses you every day, worrying that if you are not by my side, you will not eat well and sleep well."

Sheng Tianci stood aside and was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "Hey, wait, are you questioning my ability to take care of children? These days when you are away, I have taken good care of Xiaojiu, you see, is she fatter?!"

Su Jiu, "..."

I Become A Burdensome Child After TransmigratingWhere stories live. Discover now