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Su Shengjing on the side curled his lips and kept comforting himself in his heart that it was okay. It is estimated that there will be more cases like this in the future.

Xiao Jiu no longer belongs to him alone!

She has someone else in her eyes!

After eating, Rong Si noticed the painting on the coffee table and looked at it carefully and saw that she was painting a little boy. Is it a friend of her acquaintance?

It's just that he doesn't know which brother it is.

He pursed his lips, tangled for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "Little Jiu sister, who are you painting?"

Su Jiu blinked at him and smiled mysteriously, "Guess it~"

Let him guess?

The first thing that came to Rong Si's mind was, is she painting him? Otherwise, how could she let him guess?

After all, he didn't know the little brothers she knew, he just saw them on TV.

Thinking of this possibility, Rong Si suddenly felt that his heart was beating a little fast, as if nervous and agitated. He tried to restrain his emotions and said, "I can't guess."

As he said, the little girl stood on tiptoe, stretched out her paw and rubbed his hair vigorously, "Idiot, it's you who I painted!"

His thoughts were verified, and Rong Si's mood suddenly became very good. He took a closer look at the painting again, and felt that it looked a bit like himself. After a pause, he said, "Really me?"

"Yeah!" Su Jiu nodded earnestly, "It's really you, brother, don't blame me for not painting well, I just paint casually, you are so much more beautiful than this!" Su Jiu spit at him playfully, her tongue out.

Hearing her complimenting him like this, the roots of the arrogant ears turned red again.

He stared at the black-and-white line, which was a bit simple and rough, and he hesitated for two seconds and said, "Can you give it to me?"

He really wanted to take it back. In this case, there would be one more item in the collection of Little Jiu's sister.

Su Jiu didn't expect that he would make this request. She had known the little villain for so long, and he had never asked for anything. But at this moment, he took the initiative to suggest that he really likes it.

She nodded again and said, "Brother, if you don't dislike my bad painting? I will give it to you."

"Thank you." Rong Si stretched out his hand and picked up the picture, acting cautiously, as if he was afraid of breaking it by himself.

So Su Jiu's heart is slightly astringent. The little villain hasn't received such a gift for a long time, right?

Therefore, it will be especially cherished.

How can such a cub not cause pain?

After returning home, Rong Si put the painting in the album he bought before, and put it together with the photos. And those photos, taken by Song Wanqiu, were all pictures of him and Su Jiu sitting in a dessert shop eating strawberry cake.

The little sister in the photo is very cute.

After he clipped the picture in, he looked at it for a while, then put the album back in the drawer, intending to store it properly. This was specially given to him by Little Jiu sister, and he cherished it very much.

The next day, after Su Shengjing received a call from Han Jiani, he brought the little dumpling to Shengshi Entertainment.

Han Jiani was not surprised that he brought the little girl over again. Originally, the company clearly stipulated that it was not allowed to bring other people to wait, but now, she is closing one eye.

There is even some hope that he will come with his daughter.

Of course, this is also because that pink and tender little girl is cute, which is really pleasing. If she were replaced by Han Siye, she would have blasted him out a long time ago. 

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