8 - As Long As I Love You

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~ Crowley's Perspective ~

The very next day, Aziraphale and Crowley had taken flight once more, roaming the burning, war filled city, attempting to save as many humans as they could. They'd decided on splitting up and each taking one fraction of London. They would meet back at St James' park, just as they always did. As if nothing had changed. And nothing had. Well, not between them, at least. Things were the same as they'd always been, just... Now there was a war. A war that did not separate them so much as it brought them together. They would fight on their own side, together. That had always been what Crowley had wanted.

He had abandoned the idea of flying, as it sometimes frightened him. Not to the point where he was really afraid of it, but he tended to take a preference for slithering over both flying and walking. Ever since he had Fallen... he'd been slightly traumatised. He still had the occasional nightmare about when it had happened. Though now his nightmares were filled with the burning bookshop, and the near end of the world. The day he thought he'd lost his best friend. He tried not to think about it. Now he was roaming the streets of Central London, ducking through allies and hiding in shadows to avoid the heat of the war. His only mission was to find and save as many humans as he could, and aid fleeing people to get away from the war. It was still news to most of them that angels and demons did in fact exist, and that Heaven and Hell had truly come to wipe them out. The long shadows that were draped over the brick wall behind him hide him from view of any fighting. His yellow eyes were the only glow that came from him. He had folded his wings away, as they were quite large and therefore a burden to drag around all the time. They were rather heavy at that, and he could move much faster on foot without wings than with them. He rolled his shoulders back as he peered into the street.

"They're doomed, Crowley."

The demon turned slowly to look behind him at the voice. His gaze met a violet eyed angel whom he recognised as Gabriel. But that was not the voice who had spoken. Crowley looked down at Beelzebub, who stood next to the archangel. They wore their usual set of clothing, as though they weren't about to fight in a war. The red sash across their chest, the fishnet socks and her black vest and pants. Gabriel also wore his typical grey suit, and neither looked happy to see him.

So Crowley smiled.

He twirled his wrist as he bowed dramatically, not dropping his grin.

"Princess," He drawled, "Gabriel. What a pleasure."

"Skip the formalities, Crowley," Beelzebub said dully, "We haven't come for flattery."

"No offence to either of you, but no one really means to flatter you,"

"I could say the same, demon." Gabriel shot back.

"I'm fabulous, in case you haven't noticed," Crowley said, running his hand through his hair and unfolding his wings, giving them a dramatic flare.

"You, the traitor known as the demon Crowley," Beelzebub began, as though they were starting a trial, "I command you to tell the angel Aziraphale you do not care for him. End your arrangement."

Crowley raised an eyebrow, bored.

"Oh? And what gives you any right to do that?" He inquired, leaning against the wall.

"You are a demon. You obey Hell's commands."

"I have no ties to Hell anymore."

"Keep telling yourself that," Gabriel said, ultimately amused by Crowley's words. The snobby angel crossed his arms behind Beelzebub, and Crowley studied their every glance and movement. They acted as though they were... On the same side. Gabriel stood in a position that indicated he had Beelzebub's back. They didn't seem to notice, and if they did, they certainly didn't care.

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