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The duo quietly walked around the side of the gym, making sure no one followed so they could have their conversation in private. Despite Hinata's confusion about why Kageyama wanted to talk in private, especially when it was almost dark, anyone could see how petrified he was. 'That's it. I'm dead. Kageyama's gonna murder me for whatever reason.' His thoughts were cut off as he bumped into him, not realising Kageyama had stopped walking. Since his back was to him, Hinata couldn't read his teammates expression. As he was about the question him, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and was shoved to the wall, knocking the air out of his lungs. "Ack-! What the hell, Kageyama?!"

Kageyama's eyes were downcast; his bangs covering them, leaving his expression once again a mystery. His grip on Hinata tighten to make sure he couldn't escape and run off. "K- Kageyama...?"

"... How long?"


"How long, dammit!?" He finally looked up and they locked eyes. From there, Hinata could see almost every emotion the raven head was feeling; stress, anger, upset, but mostly, concern. If Kageyama didn't seem so cold, Hinata could've sworn he would've seen tears pricking at the side of his eyes. 'He knows...'

"I- uh, d- don't know what you're talking about.." He left off a small laugh, hoping it'd be a good cover up for his stuttering.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"...So what! It's none of your concern!"

"It is when it involves both my friend and my teammate!"

Hinata froze. What? Kageyama thought they were friends..? Well, all the pieces of their friendship building up did fit into the puzzle, sure, but it was never acknowledged by the both of them. For it to actually be heard struck something in Hinata, so much so he hadn't realised silent tears were streaming down his face.
The taller one of the two let go the smaller ones shirt, knowing he wasn't going to put up a fight anymore.
With The Rest Of The Group:

"Hey, have either of you seen Hinata and Kageyama around?"

"I was hanging out with them not so long ago, not sure where they are now. Sorry, Suga."

"No worries, thank you, Yamaguchi." Sugawara thanked as he wandered off from his kouhais.

Where could they have gone? He took his eyes off of them for 2 seconds and now they've gone off to who knows where. The heat and amount of people in the gym didn't help either. As much as he loved his teammates, having alone time can be beneficial.

As he stepped outside, he wandered around for a bit until he heard voices. 'Wait a minute... Is that...?'
As he leaned against the wall to cover himself, he silently listened to the conversation. He knows it's bad to eavesdrop, but he's sure that he recognises their voices. Could it be...?

"...So what! It's none of your concern!"

"It is when it involves both my friend and my teammate!"

Oh boy, how this was gonna go. Maybe he should stick around - just in case it got too serious, right? Right...?

After a few moments of silence, some sniffles could be heard amongst the quiet. Suga, being the "mom" of the group and concerned for both first years, tried his best not to peak and dash over to see if they were okay. He couldn't blow his cover, otherwise the rest of the team might not trust him anymore; even if that wasn't the case. The best he could right now was make sure things didn't escalate into something violent. God, they'll have Daichi to listen to then.

"...I appreciate your concern, Kageyama, but I'm fine. I'm... I think I'm just gonna head home."


"For God sakes, Kageyama! Please just drop it!"

It got quiet again. Painfully quiet. This continued on until the sound of stones being stood on and crushed together were heard; indicating that one of the two individuals was walking closer. The young silver haired male took this as his cue to leave, also making his way back to the gym before the little giant did.

"H- hey, Hinata! I was just looking for you. Everything alright?"

Hinata glance back outside as he stood in the doorway. "... Fantastic." He responded sarcastically before making his way to grab his things to leave.

Hey, hey, hey! Just a heads up the next few chapters may be short - like just short of 1k words 👀 just until I get back into the swing of writing again lol
Hope you're all having a wonderful day/night! 💙

Word Count: 770+

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