Against Aoba Johsai

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It was the third set.

Most players panting, occasionally checking the score board. Aoba Johsai at 21 points and Karasuno just ahead at 23, all thanks to number 9 and 10s quick duo attack.

Karasuno was confident. They were so close to the finals; proving to all those who watched that they were no longer the wingless crows they once were. Sure, they still had alot to work on with some players, but now their rivals could consider them as a powerhouse team. Even Oikawa, the great king and best setter in the whole prefecture, was beginning to have small doubts about this set. Key word, small. He knew his abilities were better than his protege's, Toboi Kageyama - Karasuno's number 9, since there was a huge difference between them; Oikawa knew how to bring out the best in his team and Tobio had to rely on his skills to help improve his teams.

It was Kageyama's turn to serve. Despite his scary, yet calm face, inside he was trying to calm his nerves; words from his last middle school game came to his mind as he recalled what Hinata had said to his team.

"It's... Not over."

Thats right, his team may be in the lead, but the match was not over. Those who let the ball drop have lost the game, this is something he can't afford to happen. 'We're going to nationals. No matter the cost.' He had thought before the whistle had gone for him to serve. A deep breathe escaped from his lips, before doing his jumping serve - unfortunately their libro picked it up. He got back into position, ready for their attack.

The ball flew towards Oikawa, ready to set the ball to Iwaizumi. Iwa, of course, knew what he was planning. They've been together since the beginning of middle school, of course he'd read his best friend like a book. He jumped ready to spike; Hinata, in an exhausted and panicked phase, quickly jumped up to block him. Unfortunately, the rest of the team took the bait too, ready to receive the ball once it was throw - except it wasn't.

Aoba Johsai fans cheered for the team as a setter-dump was used. The team cheered also - finally! They mightnt have anything to worry about after all.

Daichi clapped his hands together, gathering the teams attention. "Hey, don't worry about it! We'll get the next one!"

"U- um Daichi..?"

Daichi looked over at Hinata, who was shaking whilst pointing across the net. His followed to where number 10 was pointing. 'You've got to be kidding me...' He thought. It was Oikawa's turn to serve. This was not good for the team - he could feel the nerves slowly build up.

Oikawa, on the other hand, had a huge grin on his face. He knew how anxious his rivals felt - especially when little ginger is trying to put on a confident face, although failing miserable.

"Number 10..." Oikawa had whispered to himself before the whistle had blown. He knew exactly where to send his server - and that's where he delivered it. Hinata obviously sucked at receives, he's only wanted to practice his spikes, to become the next Ace!

The ball had bounce off his shoulder, off into the sidelines. It happened in a flash Hinata couldn't even comprehend what had just happened until the whistle had gone off.

They were on 23 points each.

Hinata could feel a pair of eyes glaring at him - and he knew who it was. His team-mate who would constantly pick on him when he got the chance. Its been going on since they've met and Hinata is beginning to get sick of it.

Once again, Oikawa targeted Hinata. He managed to get into position, but of course, the great Kings serves were so powerful, it flew back over the net allowing Saijo to have the chance ball.

"Ahh, sorry guys!"

"Hey, don't sweat it! His serves are pretty powerful, great job on the receive!" Daichi always found a way to cheer Hinata up - but it's not just him, he seems to find to say the right thing to all his team-mates; it's what makes him such a great captain.

After a bit of tossing back and forth, Oikawa sent the ball up for Kunimi, since he still had alot of energy. Karasuno isn't the only team with a special decoy.

Hinata was exhausted. After a few moments of spacing out, he quickly went to block the spiker. Unfortunately, he was a second too late and his fellow team-mates couldn't receive in time.

Set point... Saijo had set point.

'This is it... We've lost... We're not making to-' Hinata's thoughts were cut off by Kageyama.

"Hey, it's not over."

That's right. They can still turn this game around! And thanks to Kageyama, the teams confidence was surely building back - obviously ticking Oikawa off.

After a few more points. Saijo were still sitting on set point. The scores were 32 - 31.

Hinata stated at Kageyama confidently - and Kageyama read him like a book. With their secret weapon, they're sure to win!

After the serve was up, both teams fought on to keep the ball in play until the perfect opportunity arrive. Hinata was already flying, eyes closed shut. Kageyama threw him a set - everything was perfect; Hinata was in the perfect position, he threw him the perfect set. They could actually make it to the finals!

That is... Until Hinata's spike was blocked. Mid-fall, he opened his eyes - refusing to believe the thud of the block he just heard. He landed a few milliseconds after the ball did. All he could do was stare in complete disbelief.

"We... Lost...?"


This is the first time I've writing a fanfic since 2016 so apologies for mistakes lol

Also, Ik some of the scenes isn't Canon - I was writing this from memory of the match

If you have any criticism, please let me know! Ty for reading! <3
Word Count: 1000+

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