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Kageyama was frozen. Oh god, what should he do? He doesn't know who this crazy bitch is, but he can't exactly run off and leave Hinata here. He needed to think - fast!

Before the two individuals inside could notice, he quickly got up and rang his doorbell. Was he stupid or was he stupid? Before he could even process what to say, the door opened, revealing the one he didn't want to see.


"U- uh.. Hi, I- um... Was just passing by and- was wondering if Hinata was interested in practicing more volleyball."

"Oh? Was there not training today?"

"N- no, there was! I was just thinking we could practice new techniques is all." Damn it, Kags. This was a horrible idea; he should've just call the police-

"I see. Well I'm sorry, Sho has quiet a bit of homework to work on. I'm sure you can practice tomorrow."

"Oh o- okay. Well then, goodnight, ma'am. Could you let Hinata I said hi?"

"Of course, dear, goodnight." She finished before shutting the door, making sure he walked off. Guess she'd just have to take his word for it if he as just passing by. Hinata, on the other hand, was internally cursing at himself.

'What the fuck, Kageyama!? Oh I am so going to kick his ass if he saw anything.' He clenched his first for a split second before feeling the sharp pain in his shoulder.

"That young man has nice manners, you can learn a thing or two from him. Now get your ass upstairs. I don't want to see you the rest of tonight, understand?"

"..yes, ma'am..." The replied almost sound robotic, completely drained of life as he made his way up to his room. He was glad to keep a spare first aid kid here for nights like these. Maybe he should ask Kenma if he could stay at his place for a night or two? No. Maybe not, he might see his bandages.

Oh no. The bandages, his shoulder, he's going to have to take a few days off of his favourite sport. This week just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?
The next school day rolls around and Hinata is petrified. 'Whats Kageyama going to say? Did he see anything? Was his following me? Is he-'

"Mr Hinata, if you're not feeling well, please go to nurses. Otherwise please focus in class."

"O- oh, sorry bout that!" He sheepishly replied. Today was going to be a long day.

What Hinata did not predict was that it was far more worse than he expected. Kageyama said nothing to him all day, even if Hinata had asked about classes. All he got in response was silence. It was like the guy was mute. Now Hinata was about to become the fuse. Geez, was this how he raven head felt when he ignored him? Well, gotta remember to put that on the never to do again list.

It was second last period of class for the day. Despite how hard he tried to concentrate, the information being received wouldn't processes through his brain. Like the fried chicken he had from the school canteen fried his brain there too.
Just as he stared at his page in defeat, a note was slid into his desk.

"Meet me behind the school after school.        

He may be terrified about what's to come, but hey! At least we've got some communication going! But then what about practice? Guess he'll be just have to ask when he meets with his teammate.
Since they had separate classes at the end, Hinata had no idea if Kageyama was there or not. His adrenaline started to pump its way around his body, kicking in his fight or flight response. He needed to do this. He needed to confronted him.

As he walked, he saw Kageyama leaning against the wall, finishing off his small carton of milk. Of course. Once he had noticed Hinata arrive, his nodded his head slightly - indicating for him to come closer.

Hesitant, Hinata slowly made his way over - preparing for anything that may come; screams, shouts, punches, whatever. What he didn't expect, however, was for gentle arms to wrap around his shoulders, pulling him into an embrace. Kageyama? A hugger? Wow, that's a first.

What should he do? Hug back-? He could feel the lump in his throat starting to grow, making him want to cry a river. This is what he needed, but now was not the right time.

"I'm sorry..." Kageyama finally said, so faint it almost sounded like a whisper. He continued after a few moments of silence.

"Listen, Hinata, I'm your friend, I care about you. You're my ace and I'm your setter. But not just that, you've helped me through some times, even without realising. I want to be able to return the favour. I know you're not eating enough and that worries me half to death that you're not taking care of yourself. But mostly importantly," he paused, cautiously debating whether or not to continue, "...most importantly, I'm worried about her."

Still embraced, Hinata visibly flinched. Yep, this was happening. Was he ready? No. Was he ever going to be? Doubt it.
He tried to laugh it off, "Heheh, K- Kageyama, what are you-?"

"I saw, Shoyo. I'm sorry I followed you home, but I was worried. Seeing that look on her stupid smug face- god." He hugged Hinata a little tighter, as if afraid of him slipping away.

"I don't know who she is, but you are not staying with that bitch." He let go, one hand resting on Hinata's uninjured shoulder. Kageyama looked up from the ground, seeing a river of tears fall from number 10's eyes. It pained the setter to think how long his ace kept this bottled up, even if he didn't show it.

"My parents are going off to visit my sister in college in Tokyo for a few days. You're welcome to stay over for however long you need"

Now sobbing, Hinata ran into Kageyama's chest, gripping the back of his shirt as he cried. What in the hell did he ever do to deserve Kageyama? He treated him like shit and now he's offering him a lifetime ticket of a few days escape? Maybe lady luck had a change of heart...

Next chapter may take a little longer to post 👀 having a writer's block atm lol

I have a new story im working on as well! I'm getting a bunch of new ideas for it - but Ill post chapters when it's almost finished (it's a bnha au - I had the idea a few months ago and got the motivation to continue it)

Hope you all have a great day! Take care of yourselves 💙

Word Count: 1130+

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