Forty-three. The Awakening

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The hospital was cool and clean. White everywhere. There was a nice little monitor that chirped Luke's heartbeat, and it took him a second to realize that's what it was.

He'd woken up at some point when they'd first arrived, but the pain was too much that they knocked him out again. It wasn't a good sleep, it kind of felt like what Luke imagined death was. Just seconds after being knocked out he was awake again.  There was a blue cast on his arm now. And it was a big one.

The nurses explained to him what had happened to his arms. He got to see the x-rays—which he didn't like so much. And all the while his mom was fussing over him, fixing pillows and adjusting the bed settings.

He was given pain medication and eight weeks in his cast. And then they left.

Luke was disappointed, because he was waiting for Ashton to show up. Or Michael and Calum. Or someone. He didn't understand why they had taken him here and left him.

Liz didn't ask any questions. Luke figured maybe she was too afraid. She also didn't mention Ashton or anyone, which made Luke unreasonably angry. But he shouldn't have to be the one who mentions the people who took him to the hospital.

"We're getting you some good food when you get home. Something nice and hearty, I know you must be hungry."

Luke didn't want food. He wanted Ashton. His stomach grumbled but he didn't care. "Okay," he said barely above a whisper.

He stared at his cast. The events of the previous day felt surreal. Was it even the previous day? He didn't know. It could have been a week before and Luke would be none the wiser. But they felt like yesterday. Bold and brash, the aftermath of his trauma flashed across his eyelids when he closed them. Now he had something to remember in the darkness and in the day.

Luke made his mom pull over so he could dry heave on the side of the interstate. He was so shaky he couldn't even brace himself. He just sort of leaned out of the car, and let his stomach launch a little fluid and then nothing into his throat till he felt like he'd just done a hundred sit ups.

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve on his good side, and sighed laying back against the plush seats and regain his focus.

"Doctors say you hit your head when you fell. So you might be a little dizzy when you move too fast for a while." Liz said gently.

Luke almost felt bad that he felt nothing for the pity in her voice. But then again, he wanted to crawl into it, and have her make the whole world go away. Luke didn't want to be on the road anymore. He just wanted to be snuggled in a soft bed with this horrible set of days behind him.

Liz let him cry the whole way home.

He felt abandoned. Where were Michael, Calum, and Ashton now? Nowhere. Disappeared into a void of only empty space.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but given your state, I'm just gonna spill the beans," Liz hummed as she passed the Brightwitch city limit sign. "You've got some people waiting anxiously for you at the diner."

Luke brightened a little, nose slightly drippy from crying. "Really? They're here?"

Liz nodded. "But don't tell anyone I told you. And try to act surprised." She winked.

Luke nodded, and felt a little twinge of pain at the sharp movement. But the pain didn't matter. They were there! And they hadn't forgotten about him!

He didn't understand why the diner was the best place to meet up, instead of...well the hospital. But he wouldn't be picky. He knew not to question it.

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