《Chapter 8 - Cooking》

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After jumping down in the lake a couple more times and getting Loki to teleport you back up, you went for a walk though the woods. Mostly for your sake, your clothes were completely wet.

So a walk through the woods, with a light breeze and a sun shining down through the treetops, it would take some time but it should probably help you get a little drier.

Of course, Loki didn't need it when he was just using his magic. A quick green glow from top to toe and then he was dry. Okay, not gonna lie it was pretty cool and hot. 

The walk through the forest was actually quite good, the view through the trees, with their leaves in all kinds of green shades, and all the kinds of different flowers that grew down between the green grass, it was absolutely fantastic to look beyond, and it only made it better that you had the a  raven-haired god next to you.

The way he looked at the nature and admired it. It was so sweet. In general, he was just cute and hot. The way he looked at you, the way he moved, just everything about him was...amazing? Yeah, he was amazing.

"You might want to keep your thoughts down darling"

"What?" You look at him, a bit of a confused. He points to his head. "Mind reading" You look at him with a annoyed glance.

"Don't read my mind Lokes" You quite sigh. You playfully punch him in the arm. He laughs a little before turning to you and pushing you gently. "Hey!"

"You were the one who started"

"You were reading my mind"

"No I was not, you were the one who was throwing your thoughts all over the place"

"That is not in anyway fair, you were still reading my mind"

"You are the one who thinks I'm hot..." You open your mouth but quickly close it again as you didn't have a good comeback . "That's not... fair"

He laughs as he takes your hand. "Don't be mad at me, I'll make it up to you. Just tell me, what do you want?"

You go though your mind to find something you wanted but the only you could find was food. Just food, mostly f/f.

"I really want f/f" You say while you look at him, his brows goes up as he clearly don't know what you are talking about. "And what is this.. thing you are talking about?"

"You don't know what f/f is?" He slowly shakes his head. "It's the most delicious food in the whole world, I tried it on Midgard. We have to go there sometime. It has this taste it's like...like it's indescribable, it's just so good"

"We can go to the palace and ask the chef is she can cook something like it" He smiles gently to you "My mom?"

"No, she retired at least a year ago.."

"She's retired?" He nods his head. "Yeah, she has not tolled you.." You shake your head and look down in the ground. "...maybe she just forgot about it"

"Yeah, maybe.."

He pats you on the shoulder while he with the other knocks on the back door into the kitchen. No answer. He grabs the handle. Locked. "Can't you just use some of that magic you have?"

He laughs a little when he tries to open the door again, when he realizes that it does not open just because he tries several times he turns to you. "Okay, then I'll use some of that magic so you can get some food"

"To be honest, I would do anything for food right now"

He puts his hands around your hips and a second later you're in the kitchen. You look up into his eyes, it was almost to get lost in them, so beautiful green eyes. You smile awkwardly at him as he lets go of your hip and turns on the light. The room was empty, it was completely clean. "It looks like they have time off today"

"Really, it does not look like to me, at all" You see a small smile appear on his lip of your sarcastic comment. "We'd better get started"

"Yes" You look over at him. "The clothes?" He makes a small hand movement and a green glow goes down on both of you.

You end up with matching aprons. Green and gold, you were pretty sure it was Loki's favorite colors, and it did look good on you so it was okay.

You started walking around the kitchen to find the things you needed. Kitchen tools were set up on the table along with the ingredients. You had never made this kind of food in an asgardian kitchen before so you had to make some of the tools yourself.

Even though it was a hard process, it turned out pretty great. The taste was a bit off but that was because of Loki, he accidentally pushed to a glass where there was some kind of asgardian spice in.

"What did you say this was called again" Loki looks over at you while taking another bite of it. "Oh f/f"

"It has an... interesting taste"

"Yeah the taste is a bit of, but we both know who fault that is.." He looks up at you from his plate, which was now completely empty. As if he had almost licked it clean. "Really, so i still haven't made it up to you"

"No you defently haven't"

"What do i have to do then?" You look over at him and make a f-boy face. "I know what you could do"

"What's wrong with your face, are you okay?"

He sounds so serious when he says that and the meeting he looks at you as if he is actually worried about you. It for you to almost die of laughter, you almost choke on the air. "Oh god, no Loki. It's something they do on earth, all the time"

He gives you a little confused smile still not understanding it. "Okay, I am not sure that i understand what you mean."

"I can explain it to you while we are on our way to your room."

"Why are we going to my room" You get up from the chair and take his hand. "I don't know, you got something better we could do?"


"Good, then it is decided"


*Making the f-boy face*

*Making the f-boy face*

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