《Chapter 26 - New House》

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"The others are in their way here" Nat sticks her head in though the door. "Wait are the others coming here?"

"Yes, they really wanted to help us"

"Let me guess, it was Wanda's, Nat's and Scott's idea"

"Yes, everyone is coming"

You look at him trying to hold some of your smile back. You were pretty sure that if if you just smiled as much as you wanted to, then you would look like a psycho.

He opens up his arms to give you a hug, only to see you run into his arm before you gave him a kiss.

"God I love you so so much" you say still smiling like a crazy person.

"I love you too darling" he kiss you passionately on the lips.

Then he takes your hand and start pulling you with him around to see the house.

It was so beautiful and even though it was a Midgardain house it still had something over it that just screamed home.

The house also had a pretty big garden. A couple of threes and bushes, of course it wasn't as beautiful as Asgard but it was close.

There was on of those threes with pink leaves on it, just stunning.

You and Loki started packing everything out and chose which room you were going to sleep in, were the kitchen, living room, bathroom and also a room for a kid where. He didn't say that he wanted a kid but it was very clearly.

But you had to admit that after a couple of times hearing him say "just if we get a kid" and "not saying that we have to but maybe" you started thinking about it yourself.

After a few minutes the others started arriving. First Tony, Bruce, Peter and Scott.

It was very obvious that Peter and Scott had talked the whole way over here, that was probably why Tony were a little annoyed and Bruce a little stessed.

Then Nat, Wanda, Vision, Pietro and Clint arrived. Peitro came a little earlier that the others because he ran the whole way, while the others drove.

Thor came on his own, he made a big entrance as he landed in the middle of the road in front of your new house.

And the last people to come was Steve, Bucky and Sam. It seemted like they had a party on their way over here. They were all happy but according to Steve it started out with a little 'fight' between Sam and Bucky.

Something about Sam who didn't want to move his seat up.

"Me and Vis brougt cookies" Wanda says with excitment in her voice as she sets the plate down on the kitchen counter. Peter and Scott were quickly in the kitchen eating the most of the cookies.

"Wow, these are delicious miss Maximoff" Peter said while stuffing his mouth.

"Yeah, you need to give Hope the recipe!"

"Damn sis, they are right. Really good" Pietro exclaims as he takes the one Sam were about to eat. "Hey, speedy. Give that back" Sam yelled.

Pietro looked at him - almost into his soul - before he licked the whole cookie and I mean the whole cookie.

"Oh, you son of a bit-"

"Sam!" Steve said to interrup him.

"Sorry" Sams smiled at Steve before he ran after Pietro, trying to catch him.

You would think that Pietro had the upper hand in this agument but that quickly changed when Sam got Steve and Bucky to help him. After a couple of minutes he were captured in a corner in the house. Which meant that Wanda had to help him get out of trouble.

Loki had already started showing Thor around the house while Tony and Bruce followed them.

Tony were mostly there because Bruce still was a little scared of Loki.

So Tony walked around with him, sometimes scared him and the acting like it was Loki, then when Bruce got mad Tony told him a story or something.

They were really cute together. If it wasn't because Tony were married to Pepper, you would definitely have shipped them.

In fact you still did a little.

Peter and Scott seemed to had found a interest in asking Vis all their questions. Which you and Nat agree on were kinda dumb.

"So Vis, I can call you Vis, right" Peter ask looking excited that he were taking to a robot.

"Yes, Peter. You can call me what you want. I am here to help in every way I can."

"That is sooo cool!"

"Dude we should ask him something!" Scott suddenly exclaims.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Oh oh.." Scott look up at Vis with a concreted look. "Vis what are two things you can never eat for breakfast?"

Vis look at Scott with no expression on his face, he was clearly googling it but it didn't seem like Peter and Scott had figured it out yet.

"Lunch and dinner" The robot answers confidently.

"You both know that he is googling it, right?" Nat asks a little bit concerned. You laugh as you take a sip of your water.

"Yeah, so you should probably stop asking him" Wanda says while taking Visions hand.

"Daaamn. Don't you have any witch things to do?" Peter asks Wanda with a disappointed look.

"Yeah, go kidnap a town or something." You joke with a smile.

"I would never do that!!" Wanda laugh.

"Why not?" Clint and Nat says at the same time. "Because I don't do that?"

"I think you would" Clint says confidently. "And then you and the robot wound make them all eat paprika" Clint laugh while walking out of the room with Nat.

"Rude" Wanda says as she looks a little offended. "Come down my love, let's take a look at the house"

Vis squeeze Wanda's hand before taking her up the stairs.

"Oh Vis wait. I need to ask you something" Peter yells after them before him and Scott run up the stairs to catch them up with them.



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