𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓: 𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐬

178 33 101

Charlie Huntington

It was evident to say that Charlie was having too much fun driving his super fancy car down the freeway. He and Matt have been racing down the open road for half an hour, and he didn't want it to stop. 

The adrenaline from the rush made its way into his veins. It felt good to get a heavy distraction.

Although he couldn't say the same for Giselle, who was gripping her seat and was trying to not scream. 

They decided to stop for a break to stretch out. Giselle took the time to set up the system and see if anything could work again.

"Alright, according to this map, we need to keep heading south until we reach Florida," Vanessa tapped some buttons on her phone to look up the GPS.

"Where are we headed in Florida?" Matt asked, looking over her shoulder.

They were all seated at a picnic table at a rest stop somewhere in South Carolina.

Suddenly an ear-piercing alarm started from Giselle's laptop.

"What's going on?" Charlie leaned over to see the screen.

"I-I don't know, no error messages, no system failure, just a loud alarm."

"I thought Bourne said they were fixing it back at the CCPA?" Matt called.

Giselle pressed a button that seemed to stop the noise. Charlie could tell that the public around them wasn't too happy with the disturbance.

"They were... I just thought I'd check to see if anything could go back to the way it was. Good news though, it seems to be in good shape."

Charlie felt his phone vibrating in his pocket but left it alone. He didn't want to deal with his personal situations anymore, he just wanted to see if he could get rid of his phone for good.

A sudden jab in the ribs made his attention revert from his daze. "Hey, look at this. Why is there a dot there?"

Charlie looked closer to see what Giselle was pointing at.

The blue dot was back and slightly blinking on the GPS the satellite was showing.

"I don't understand, wouldn't the team keep new trackers on our new cars?" Vanessa poked her head in the middle of them, blocking Charlie's view with her hair.

"That's what I thought," Charlie leaned back uncomfortably.

"The dot isn't even moving, according to the coordinates, it's only about a few minutes away from here."

"Do you think we should tell Bourne?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah, maybe. You think we should go there to check it out?" Charlie looked at Giselle.

"Well, that's what we're here to do," she started tapping some buttons on the screen.

"What if we're being tricked? Like this is what that bad guy wants?" Matt asked.

The three of them paused.

"This would be the right thing to do," Vanessa spoke up.

"Okay, let's hit the road."

Suddenly, Charlie's throat tightened. The buzzing in his pocket stopped, yet there was an uneasy emotion trying to escape him. In all honesty, Charlie didn't know what to think about any of the situations he was encountering.  He just wanted everything to be over with and for life to go back to normal.

But he knew life would never go back to normal again. So in his heart wasn't just sadness or despair, it was almost a grief he was feeling. He had a hard time letting go, and difficult emotions just continued hour after hour, like they couldn't just stop.

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