𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓: 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐲

167 26 77

Julia Welch

"Jacob... Jacob, stop it! Calm down, please!" Julia grabbed ahold of the corner of his jacket, trying to look into his eyes.

Jacob avoided her eyes and looked in the other direction. His hand wrapped in a thin piece of fabric he ripped off of the inside of his jacket. Though the bleeding didn't stop, the fabric was soaked in the deep crimson liquid that continued to drip onto his shoes time to time again.

He was angry, hurt and scared. And Julia saw that. They didn't know where to go, they could only run.

"What do we do now? Do you have any idea?" Jacob asked, his voice cracking slightly.

Julia shook her head. "I don't know," she whispered.

Jacob exhaled a sharp breath. "Well, looks like we're screwed."

He walked over to the side of the alley, they were still a few streets down from the church.

He plopped himself down on the cold wet ground, leaning his head back on the brick building. Julia watched him before she decided to kneel down and take a look at his hand.

"Does it hurt?" She lifted his wrist to notice the drenched fabric. When he didn't say anything, just closed his eyes, she started to unravel the makeshift bandage.

He grimaced in pain, his fingers starting to curl.

"Don't do that, you don't want to irritate the cut, even more, it already looks like it's getting infected."

Jacob opened his eyes to a squint, trying to look at her. "How do you know that?"

"I live with three people who are working in the healthcare unit."

"Ah, yes... how could I forget?"

Julia put his wrist down gently, feeling something shift in her back pocket. Her mind was suddenly preoccupied with the flow of memories.

The money. The convenience store. The 911 call... we can still make it. We're still in the area.

"Why did you do it, Julia?"

Julia looked at him, her thoughts escaping her as she stared at him.

"Why? Why did you have to do it?" He asked again, his voice rough.

"I thought the call would help, at least now the police might be looking for us and we can go back home to safety. Hey, listen, I still have some money. I can run over to that 7/11 and get you something. After, I can ask for the police to take us home and well..."

Jacob let out a heavy sigh. "You didn't get my question."

"What do you mean?"

Jacob shifted himself, trying to pull himself up with his one working hand.

"You followed me into this mess. Why?"

Julia suddenly got frustrated, ignoring his question she continued. "I think my plan will work, we just need to go over to that convenience store, or maybe find something closer."

"For goodness sakes, Julia... just answer the question!"

Julia paused. If I told you the truth... I wouldn't know how you would react. It's not worth it.

Although since he couldn't read her thoughts, she tried making something up.

"You ran off. Ricky said he'd drive you home, remember? I wanted to see where you were going, so I followed you."

It wasn't a complete lie. Her brother did say he would pick them up from the party, but then something happened and Jacob ended up leaving out of anger. Julia realized he was gone only minutes too late and tried scouting him out by tracking his phone. That's when her connection got lost, she ended up in a sketchy part of Rochester and the next thing she knew she was being beaten up by men she didn't even know. Her heart was in the right place, but she wasn't so sure whether she should confess just yet. Especially with everything that was happening to them.

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