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Jorge Morano

Jorge stood in front of the burnt building. He didn't know what to do or where to go.

He didn't want to go to jail.

He didn't want to go home.

He wanted to know where the others were. They had all abandoned him, left him for dead.

Opening the fists of his hands was still the small piece of paper one of the men had given him with two words written in black ink.

Jorge pondered the thought of actually doing it. Something dark had started to overcome his thoughts, and it had begun in that church when he decided to pull the trigger. Somehow he couldn't stop it. 

He didn't know if he wanted to stop.

Maybe he could still get the job done, just for old time's sake, even if Warner wants nothing to do with him anymore.

"I need my team," he muttered. He had yet to figure out how to get them back.

With his fists clenched, a note in hand and two words in mind, he was set. 

And this time determined...


Micheal Bourne

"The agency is busy," Bourne stood, putting his hands in his pockets, "I think Matthew is doing really well since he started. He and Vanessa have sort of teamed up and they're doing greater than I had imagined. Charlie and Giselle came back to work, along with our new recruitments."

Bourne smiled at the thought of the faces popping up in his head. 

"God has really worked it all out," he cleared his throat but the urge to cry kept making his voice crack. "He does things for our good, I remember you saying that to me."

Bourne sniffed, he took a breath of the crisp air which sent a chill through his body.

"Me? I'm doing alright. I will admit, it hasn't been easy for me to leave the office fully. Looking back, I think I made work my entire life. But I don't regret it as most people do, I think there was a reason why God lead me through this career and look at what has come out of it. It's been hard though, usually, you hear how easy it is for an agent to retire and move on."

Familiar footsteps sounded behind him. Her hand gently reached for his forearm.

"You're going to catch a cold in this weather," Darla spoke softly, she lifted the umbrella over their heads.

Bourne knew all too well he couldn't hide anything from her, especially his emotions. He let the few tears run down his cheeks before her cold hands wiped them away.

"Miss him?" She asked.

Bourne looked at the stone with his father's name engraved in bold letters.

"There's not a day that I don't," he answered.

"He's in a much better place now."

Bourne had never felt this grateful to be surrounded by the people who loved him. Even though some days were in fact harder than others, he always was able to turn to the One that was always there for him.

They stood for a moment in silence as the drizzling rain surrounded them. 

A notification sounded on Darla's device and she quickly checked it, pulling on Bourne's arm. "We have to get going, apparently Matthew broke the coffee machine and there's a huge mess of papers in his office.

Bourne sighed, shaking his head humorously. "At least it's not my coffee machine anymore."


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The End.

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