𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟏: 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

124 23 37

Blake Farmer

"Goodmorning, no time for chatting. Today's the day, yes today. Listen, pack up and head to the airport. You need to be there in the next two hours. I've sent a note where a security guard at your gate will give you. Don't worry, if any of Warner's men come and try to come into contact with you, you'll be safe. But you'll all want to wear something sort of disguising, maybe baggier clothes or something you haven't worn before. Also, try to cover up that cast. If you need anything, I've left my number but please don't try calling unless it's an absolute emergency. I'll see you in New York."

Then the phone made a beep and the call ended with her phone number being rung out. Carmen was quick to write it down on one of those motel notepads.

"Well, buddy, today's the day, you ready?"

Blake was more than just ready. He was equipped. Prepared for anything and everything the journey may lead to.

It's just a simple flight. Nothing too complicated. I'll make it. 

Excitement washed over him and he practically skipped through the morning on his way to the airport.

I'll see you soon, Mama.


Jacob Rhodes

Jacob's jaw tightened as his arms folded across his chest. 

"Alright, Blakey, my guy, this is it. From here on out, you're on your own."

Carmen was guiding Blake through each step the woman had left for him as he was supposed to travel from South Carolina to New York. Jacob leaned against the stolen van as they were all standing in the parking lot.

"It's a big airport, be on your guard. Watch for that security guard that's supposed to be at the gate."

Blake stared intently, he looked excited.

Of course he does, I would be that excited if I was able to get home too.

He stared at his hand, the slice left a scar right through his palm.

Julia was smiling, as she recently always was. It made Jacob feel much worse.

"Okay," Carmen looked around trying to figure out if they needed to go over anything else.

"Oh, right, you need some sort of disguise," he looked around again and looked at Jacob, "give me your jacket."


Carmen reached out his hand impatiently, "just come on."

Jacob slowly took off the leather jacket and handed it over. His mood worsened even more.

Carmen held out the jacket and Julia helped slide Blake's arm in. Jacob leaned against the van once again.

"There, is that comfortable?" Julia asked, her smile showed her teeth when Blake nodded his head with a bright 'yes'.

Jacob turned his head away and focused his eyes on some of the cars lined up along the parking lot.

"Okay, I wrote everything down. Here's your passport and that should be it."

Blake walked inside the airport as Julia and Carmen watched.

"You think he's going to be okay?" Julia asked.

"Can only hope so."

Jacob shook his head silently as he made his way to the front seat. Carmen and Julia got in and they drove back to the motel.

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