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My rating: 10/10


Half of you totally agree, and the other half are probably totally butchering my fucking opinion lmao.

First, let me start off with; No, it's not because it's gay.

You may ask; What is it then?

They have a TON of character/relationship development from the beginning of the anime/manga to the end of the manga.

Yes, Katsuki has bullied Izuku since they were 4-5 more or less. Why would I ship it? Well, this is why...

At the beginning of the anime/manga it's noticeable that Katsuki was first beating up this other kid before Midoriya had stepped in. Two other kids were with Bakugo at this time so I believe the first cause of bullying up from this young age to middle school was the peer pressure.

If some awesome dude was going to beat up this lame kid from their school, with two alibis, would he stop when one of his powerless friends stepped in and told him to stop?

No, because he has those two witnesses with him. Bakugo grew up with the expectation to become the best his whole life. That fueled his pride. Imagine if he did stop, and those two witnesses tell everyone they knew at at school. Katsuki isn't so cool or prideful now then, is he? He's one of the lamest kids there. Does that make him a good friend? No, absolutely not. But, again, it's not like he done this frequently to Izuku unless he got in the way and a witness was prior. The kid he's beating up beforehand is a witness. And you know how toddlers are. They never keep their damned mouths shut.

Excuse number two, it became a habit. And I believe because of this, that's why it also lasted up to middle school and highschool.

The other reason it lasted to highschool, is because with how Izuku saved him from his lack of air in the sludge incident. Why? News reporters are bound to be everywhere, and that put his ego and reputation to risk. With Bakugo's mindset it led him to think Izuku, this quirkless kid, is looking down upon him when everybody else isn't.

Keep in mind, that Izuku looked up to Katsuki all of his life. The blonde knew this, but that thought was lost the moment Izuku jumped in to save him. He thought that Midoriya believed he couldn't make it on his own like he usually did.

Events leading up to their second ground beta fight, built this feeling up thoroughly. For example; The entrance exams, their first ground beta fight, the sports festival, the training camp arc, saving Bakugo arc, and the second ground beta fight.

Why? The entrance exams; Katsuki had done and gone claimed beforehand that he'll be the only one to pass UA. He even done told Midoriya not to try. Since he did so anyways, Bakugo's thought process said Izuku just no longer believed he was the only one good enough to do this. Katsuki wants to prove to anyone and everyone that he's amazing. If Izuku got into UA, it also damages his reputation and ego to this previous claim.

The first ground beta fight; its self explanatory. Bakugo was focusing on letting his feelings out on Izuku. He totally thought he was rocking it until Midoriya won the fight, which he comprehended as Izuku beat him. He basically did.

The sports festival; As we all know, Katsuki claimed that he'd win the sports festival. With the race, if you remember, Deku won. And as, again, we all know, Bakugo would definitely take this as a challenge and a threat. There's not much else to it. It's very similar to the tension and feelings in their first ground beta fight.

The training camp arc; We all know Bakugo gets kidnapped. Come on. Most definitely, the way Midoriya runs for him is a sign of care. Katsuki misunderstands this, thinking that again he needs help because Izuku thinks he's weak. This is not true, but he doesn't know this. 'Stay back, Deku' is a phrase that can be taken as 'I don't need your help, Deku' or 'Don't come after me because it's dangerous, Deku'. It's probably a mix of both.

Saving Bakugo Arc; Despite it being Kirishima's idea, the entire rescue plan was planned by Midoriya. Katsuki's not stupid, he knows it's a strategy Izuku would make up (just how Ochaco wants to think a lot like Izuku hence why he asked Izuku if that was his strategy).

Second Ground Beta fight; At the time they reach this arc and they fight, Katsuki realizes he was wrong. Izuku still admires and looks up to him.

From here, during their house arrest, things clearly slowly and awkwardly mended. And from this point on, their relationship grew and built up like building blocks. It's hinted variously throughout the anime, and later in the manga it's seen much more clearly. For example, how he confronts All Might and Midoriya for nearly outing their own little 'secret' that he promised to keep.

I won't spoil the manga, but if you want more of an explanation, comment and I'll reply with what I do know. But I will make reasoning from the Heroes Rising movie. This will probably be the biggest spoiler from the movie. Spoilers begin...

⚠️ Here ⚠️

Technically, My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising is their movie. But at the same turn, it isn't. It's Class 1-A's movie. But in Heroes Rising, it shows most of the impact of BakuDeku's relationship development.

The biggest spoiler, is definitely when Deku transfers OFA to Bakugo. Bakugo stops, and checks to see if Deku is confident about this and is alright with this. Despite knowing Izuku's hero complex, he takes in mind how hard Izuku worked to get where he is today and that is purely amazing.

In response, Midoriya says yes. Not only because of his somewhat fucked up hero complex, or because Bakugo knows OFA's secret. But because he trusts Katsuki. It's basically the 'it's okay if it's you' phrase but in a more platonic manner.

⚠️Spoilers End⚠️

Yes, Bakugo and Midoriya's relationship can seem more brotherly, but it can also be seen romantically. Either way, it's made up of pure emotions and it's the most developed relationship in My Hero Academia. Even before All Might and Midoriya's relationship. I think that's beautiful.

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