United Front (End of Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)

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[We come back to Addison standing tall. The crowd looks on in shock for a second, only to immediately start booing her. Addison keeps her head high.]

"Yeah, you go girl! Don't let them bring you down!" Wynter cheered for her new friend. She really liked Addison. She was kind and compassionate, and Wynter respected that. 

[Back in Zombietown, Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo are taken out of a Zombie Patrol van.]

GUARD: All right, get out.

[Zed looks to the camera as he speaks. He shrugs, and makes air quotes at the word "tweaking".]

ZED: Spend some time in Zombie Containment. NOT fun. But it's all my fault. I thought I was doing something right by doing something wrong.

Addison turns to Zed with a sad smile. "It isn't all your fault. You just wanted to fit in. You didn't know what could happen."

Zed couldn't believe what she was saying. Of course, it was all his fault! He decided to hack his Z-band. He basically forced Eliza to hijack it for him. He swiped right after Eliza told him specifically not to! How could it not be his fault!

Addison, sensing his disbelief, turned his face to look directly at her. "Trust me," she stated. "It's not your fault." Zed smiled down at her. How could he refuse to believe her when she looked at him with the most trusting eyes in the world?

ZED (CONT'D): But now all zombies are getting software updates. No more "tweaking" them. Sweet! Eliza, they have Wi-Fi now.

Zed cringed. That was really bad timing. Eliza was probably furious with him.

Even though she was mad about the football game, Eliza perked up at the mention of Wi-Fi. She could do so many things with a Wi-Fi-enabled Z-band!

Wyatt smiled as Eliza's face brightened. Seeing her happy was fairly new, but it was definitely something he could get used to.

[Eliza is unimpressed. She glares at him.]

ZED (CONT'D): Too soon?

ELIZA: Cheerleaders steal my computer, sabotage everything, yet zombies get the blame?

"That is very unfair to them," Dale confided to Missy. "I wonder why we wouldn't think to look for signs of foul play amongst the humans."

Missy whispered back, "I think it's because we don't think anyone in our town is capable of pulling off that kind of scheme, much less has the ambition to actually go through with it." It was quite sad really. They were so focused on maintaining the perfect image that they blamed completely innocent victims. They were so biased and stuck in their ways that they failed to see anything from a different perspective. With a single look, they silently vowed to do better. To look at all sides of the story before coming to a decision.

ELIZA (CONT'D): You know it was stupid of us to think humans were gonna change. You know what? We tried doing it the nice way, now it's time to do it my way. Alright? We'll have a zombie uprising. Force them to make us equal or we tear it all down. Ok? I've been waiting my whole life, alright? I'm sick of waiting.

Wyatt glanced over to see Eliza staring at the floor. He moved away from her, causing her to look up at him. Their hands were still intertwined, but Wyatt saw her eyes were full of exhaustion and unshed tears. She didn't want things to end like this, but she was tired of fighting. He leaned over her so they could talk without anyone hearing.

"Believe me, I completely understand how you feel, more than most probably, but an uprising will only prove their point. You shouldn't give them the satisfaction."

Watching Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2Where stories live. Discover now