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[The scene changes to the football field, where potential players are lined up. The coach walks in front of them, giving a speech. It starts strong but gets weaker and weaker as he moves down the line. We see Zed standing among the players at the end.]

"Hey, there I am!" Coach said. 

Coach: Okay! Welcome to football tryouts. As you know, this town is a cheerleading town 'cause this town likes to win. And our football team is awful...

"Have they really gotten that bad?" Dale asked the coach curiously. When he was on the team, they won all the time! Everyone looked forward to the games. 

"Yeah, we just lost all our talent, and cheer kept getting better. " Coach sighed dejectedly. he really wished the team was good. It could turn his whole life around. 

"Nice pep talk coach," Addison said sarcastically. 

Coach (cont.): ... So we are not going to win this year. And I'm probably gonna lose my job. Good news for you though, you all made the team. Whoopee. 

"Yeah! Who's the zombie? I'm the zombie! Whoo-hoo!" Zed jumped out of his seat and cheered, resulting in the rest of the zombies cheering with him. 

"I knew you could do it!" Addison got up and hugged him. He was startled but hugged back nonetheless. 

Zevon smiled. He was so proud of his son. 

"Ah ah ah," Zoe said curtly, quieting everyone. "Keep watching." 

Zed: Yes! I made it!

Coach: Except for the zombie. 

Zed: What?!

"Aw, man." Zed sat back down, looking downcast. 

"Football's stupid anyway," Eliza claimed, trying to cheer up her friend. 

"Don't worry about it. " Addison said. "If they can't see how great you are, then that's their loss."

Coach: Principal Lee said you guys shouldn't even leave the basement. She didn't tell you?

Zed: No. Mmhm. Don't think so. Think I would've remembered that. 

[The coach just looks at Zed, not believing his lie for a second.]

Zed (cont.): Come on! Just let me be on the team. 

Coach: Can't have a zombie on the field, we'd look like a laughing stock. And besides, I'm no trailblazer. No, I'm more of a follower. Actually, I'm not even really good at that. 

[Zed just scoffs, mad he didn't get a chance. He leaves the field, and the scene switches to him talking to Eliza and Bonzo as they make their way to class.]

Eliza: Football's stupid anyway. 

Eliza blinked. Didn't she just say that a minute ago? 

Zed: Yeah, thanks for the pep talk. 

Bonzo: Zub uda Greeska. 

[Bonzo and Eliza laugh, and Zed laughs with them, but sarcastically, clearly not liking what he said.]

Zed: Ha! Very funny. You know I think that cheerleader likes me. 

"Yes, I do." Addison agreed. 

Eliza: The one that punched you? In the Face? 

Zed: Yeah yeah yeah. I think there's something there you know? 

Watching Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2Where stories live. Discover now