Welcome to Seabrook!

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As the movie started, everyone quieted down and paid close attention to what was happening.

[We open on an animated welcome sign reading, 'Welcome to Seabrook! Clean energy lives here!" As we pass the sign and move into the town, we hear a girl's voice start speaking. This girl is Addison.]

Addison (V.O): Welcome to Seabrook. We're a perfectly planned community.

Zed looked at Addison. "Is that you talking?" he questioned.

"I guess it is." She answered, slightly shocked. "Why am I narrating?" She asked herself.

"I have a better question. Where am I?" Bucky whined.

[As Addison is speaking, we see a couple of tulips being driven over with a lawn mower. The camera then pans up to reveal a street lined with homes, all looking identical to one another. We then see children playing and families waiting at a bus stop, all dressed in the same pink and blue outfits.]

Addison (V.O. cont.): We all have perfect homes. Perfect clothes. The perfect life. Yep, everything was perfect.

Willa just scoffed, muttering "sounds awful" under her breath. She didn't think she should have to sit through this. Wyatt heard her and rolled his eyes. Then he turned to Addison and queried, "Doesn't that get boring?" Addison thought for a moment before responding. "Not really. It's all I've ever known, so..."

Zed (V.O): Until it wasn't.

"What does that mean?" Wynter asked, kind of curious about what's going on. Unlike Willa, she thought that if she was stuck her watching this, she might as well try to enjoy it.

"Zombies came," Eliza said curtly, not sure why Zed was so quick to trust the human girl. Bonzo simply stated, "Za."

Meanwhile, little Zoey watched in awe. Next to her, Zevon leaned forward in his seat and spoke to his son. "You're in this too?"

"I guess so." Zed shrugged. He was a little confused, but he figured if he kept watching he'd understand.

[Alarms start blaring as we see a power plant building looming in front of a dark sky. A worker spills his soda over the controls, and the power plant explodes with a loud BANG! creating a large cloud of green smoke. People run from it, screaming. Eventually, the smoke surrounded them and engulfed the screen...]

Zed (V.O. cont.): Who would have thought that an accident involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse?

Addison (V.O.): And when the contaminated green haze blew west, people were not happy.

"How come?" Zoey asked Addison, her eyes wide.

"I think you'll find out." She said, smiling.

The Aceys, Bucky, Bree, Missy, Dale, and the rest of the humans looked on in fear, shaking in their seats, while the werewolves just watched on confused.

Wyatt got Zoe's attention and asked, "When do we come in?" as he gestured to his pack.

"You guys don't come in until the second movie, sorry. I wanted you to see what life was like for the zombies so that everyone could try to understand each other." Wyatt nodded his head. This seemed like a plausible answer. Willa, however, started getting unnerved. "Then why are we here?" she demanded.

"Because I want you here." Zoe retorted calmly. Willa opened her mouth for a comeback, but Zoe beat her to it. "Don't even think about leaving." She declared, this time a bit more forceful in her words. "There are no doors. No way out. You're stuck here until I say you can leave." After that statement, everyone started freaking out, whispering with one another, but Zoe quickly got them to be quiet. "Let's continue," she suggested.

Watching Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2Where stories live. Discover now