Meeting Addison and My Year

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A/N: I'm sorry the werewolves aren't reacting much, I just don't see the need to have them ask questions that would make more sense coming out of someone else's mouth. I promise they'll react to their movie, but I just don't know what to do with them for this one. If anyone has any ideas, please comment!

[We move to the other side of the barrier, into a room where a blonde girl stands, wearing a blue dress and white sneakers, cheering her heart out into a mirror. When she finishes her cheer, she turns to the camera, talking to it like Zed had.]

Addison: Give me an F, give me an I, give me an R, S, T. It's the first day of freshman year for me, me, me!

"Yay!" Zoey yells in excitement. Addison turns to her, and she immediately quiets, thinking she'll get in trouble. Instead, Addison gives her a smile and a thumbs-up, causing the little zombie to giggle.

"Wow Zed, out of all the girls to crush on, you pick Perky McCheerstein." Eliza drawls, giving Zed an 'are you serious' look.

Zed blushes, well, as much as a grey-skinned zombie can, and shoots Eliza a sheepish look. "I don't know what you're talking about." Eliza just rolls her eyes at him and turns back to the screen.

Addison (cont.): Oh, hi! I'm Addison and I have crushed cheer summer after cheer summer of cheer camp.

[The camera moves to show off her collection of trophies from cheering, then quickly goes back to her as she continues speaking.]

"Whoa. That's a lot of awards." Bree says, slightly intimidated. Clearly, making the cheer team was going to be harder than she thought.

Addison (cont.): But today's my shot at making the Seabrook cheer squad. You make cheer, and you fit in.

"That doesn't seem fair." Wynter voiced. "That's basically saying if you don't make the cheer team, then you're an outsider. In your own town!"

Addison (cont.): And why wouldn't I fit in? I'm a totally normal teen.

[As she says this, she looks into her mirror and her smile falls. She then pulls back what's now known to be a wig to reveal bright, vibrant white hair underneath. Looking at us through her mirror, she plays with it a little before tucking it back in.]

Addison (cont.): Well, except for this. Born with it. Doctors can't explain it. They think it's some rare genetic thing. I can't dye it, nothing sticks. I've tried everything.

As soon as everyone saw her real hair, Addison looked down in shame, knowing the names were going to come. The Aceys were howling in laughter, calling her  'snowball' and 'freak'. Bucky just sat there, not knowing what to do. He felt bad for his cousin but didn't want his friends to turn on him too.

Wyatt looked at the Addison on screen, then stared at the Addison next to him. Could she be their Great Alpha? She had the white hair, and she seemed like she could be a good leader. He decided he would try to find out.

Both he and Zed noticed a tear falling down Addison's cheek. They looked at each other and silently agreed. Even though they both still didn't completely trust the other, they knew she didn't deserve to be treated like that. Zed took Addison's hand from her lap and held it in his own. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"I think it's beautiful." He reassured. She gave him a small smile, silently thanking him for the compliment. Meanwhile, Wyatt got out of his seat and lunged at the Aceys, letting his full wolf come out as his moonstone and eyes glowed a vibrant blue and yellow. He growled viciously and stopped inches from their faces, smirking as they cried out and cowered in fear. Satisfied, he went back to his seat, and the movie continued.

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