Viktor Krum x Reader

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Okay so my stories might take a bit to build up to the main story itself. So bear with me babes. This is an intro chapter.

My name is (Y/n) Malfoy, but I don't think I'm really meant to be one. Even though I've been raised as a Malfoy my whole life I've never felt like I belonged. My younger brother Draco is definitely a Malfoy not just by the way he acts but the way he looks. I just recently turned 11 and received my Hogwarts letter, but I have a bad feeling about going. Something is wrong with this year I can feel it.
"(Y/n) can you come down here please?" You heard your father call down stairs as you finished up with packing. Once downstairs you noticed father had his friends over and he was bragging to them of your soon departure. "Yes she will follow in our footsteps and be a Slytherin. No Malfoy will ever be anything different. Ah here she is." He motioned you over, and you approached.
"A spitting image of her mother she is!" The woman who you did not know the name of gushed.
"Ah but I can see her father's pride hiding behind those eyes. Mind you young one don't allow those filthy halfbreeds and mud bloods get to you." You winced unnoticeably luckily. "They will try to befriend you, but they do not deserve the time of day." The woman's husband spoke too proudly for your liking. However you kept your facade and nodded. Your father rested his hand on the back of your neck.
"She is quite well versed in these rules. Narcissa and I have made sure of it. No child of mine will associate with that filth." You turned to.your gather.
"May I go finish packing Father? I would like to make sure that I have everything that I will need for the year." Your father smiled.
"Of course my child. Off you go." You turned and ascended the staircase to your room. A bad feeling about this year indeed.


Feeling giddy, but trying to act proper for your parents you pushed your cart through the barrier. Your father patted your shoulder, and you turned to look at him.

"Allow me to push this the rest of the way." You looked at your owl and then stepped aside for him to push it for you. Once on the platform your father and mother pulled you close.

"Remember to make as many friends as you can (Y/n). The Slytherin house will accept you quickly." Your mother looked at you lovingly.

"Also remember what we've been telling you. No half breeds. No mud bloods. They're both bad influences." Something caught his eye behind you. "Also no Weasley's they might be purebloods, but they are muggle lovers and trouble makers." You nodded once and looked to the tracks as a train pulled into the station.

"You brought your money right darling?" Your mother double checked with you and you nodded to her. She smiled and pushed you towards the train. A man put your trunk on the train and you grabbed your carry on bags. You turned back to your parents and they smiled at you. Your mother opened her arms and you walked into them. "I'm going to miss you darling."

"I'm going to miss you too Mother." You looked to your father now who patted you on the head. "I'll miss you too Father."

"I'll see you at the end of the school year. Now don't miss your train." You nodded and boarded the train waving to them one last time before finding a train compartment. All of them were full already. This is insane. Finally you find a compartment with two redheaded boys sitting in it.

"Hello. Do you mind if I sit in here with you? Everyone else is full." The two stopped talking and looked at you, then nodded.

"I'm Fred Weasley." One of them put his hand out for you to shake, which you did.

"I'm George Weasley. The better looking twin." He chuckled as the other one shoved him lightly.

"I'm (Y/n) Malfoy." They stopped joking around and stared at you.

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