Fred & George Weasley x Triplet!Sister

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   Fred's POV

   One second my brother Percy, my triplet (Y/n), and I were laughing at a joke that Percy cracked. The next second Percy and I were being shoved out of the way while an explosion happened. After a few seconds I sit up in a daze looking everywhere all at once. The ringing in my ears wouldn't die down, and my mind couldn't process what was going on. Suddenly Percy was infront of me helping me stand up.

   "C'mon Fred I need your help." Percy begged me as I finally got on my feet.

   "W-What happened? Where's (Y/n)?" Percy didn't respond to my question he just ran over to some rubble where a very familiar pair of shoes stuck out. I stumbled over to the rubble and started removing it as fast as I could. Once we finally found her face her eyes were lifeless and her skin was deadly white. "No..." I removed her from the pile and held her in my arms. Percy collapsed with me and cupped one side of her face. After a moment of both of us grieving Percy stood up.

   "Who's there?" He asked as he pointed his wand in a specific direction. I finally heard the approaching footsteps.

   "You know I was quite hoping that would've gotten all three of you." Menacing voice sounded as a male Death Eater came into view. "In my opinion the Weasley family takes up too much space in the Wizarding world." Surprising myself and Percy I casted the killing curse at the Death Eater and he fell to the floor dead. I picked (Y/n) up her red hair flowing from the created wind. I zoned out of everything around me as Percy and I walked to the Great Hall. He walked in first and I could hear George and a few others came running to us.

   "Percy! Fred!" George shouted as he ran to pull us into a hug, but stopped when he saw (Y/n) in my arms. "(Y-Y/n)?" He made his way to me taking the oldest triplet into his arms. Taking her over to a spot near the others, and Ginny immediately broke down. Being two girls in a house full of guys really brings you closer I guess. Charlie was definitely going to be devastated when he found out. Then the thought struck me that Lee Jordan was going to be crushed since they had been together since 3rd year. "Fred? Hey Fred come here." He met the eyes of his twin and finally allowed himself to cry.

   "There's... There's only two of us now Georgie. There's only two of us..." George pulled his twin into his arms as they both collapsed next to their triplet. Both of them allowed their heads to rest against her as they cried. Ron joined us in grieving for our older sister.


   "I was wandering if I might have a moment of your time. The whole family that is." (Y/n)'s best friend asked Mom and Dad in the kitchen. She and George had, had a thing going before the battle and had been distant so they could both heal.

   "Of course dear. Let me just get them all in the same room." She poked her head out of the kitchen and put her Wand to her throat. "Everyone in the living room!" Several pairs of footsteps could be heard approaching, and soon everyone was in the room sitting down. Kassy stood by the fireplace holding a piece of paper.

   "Before the battle she wrote this and asked me to deliver it to the family if something were to happen to her. If you want me to read this to you I can, but if you would rather it be just you then Lee and I can leave." She said, and George stood up and pulled her into his side.
   "Please stay Kassy." The way he said it was pleading more than just that. She took a deep breath and opened the letter.

   "To my dearest family,

  If you are receiving this I'm so sorry that I have caused this pain. But I assure you I died for a good reason. Knowing myself I probably fell protecting someone. All that I can ask of you my loving family is that you don't get too hung up on my death. To the person I saved whomever that may be survivors guilt is only natural, but it's no use wasting away on account of me. To my beautiful parents I was the luckiest to be born to such loving and accepting parents. To Bill I do hope you take good care of Fleur and your children. I wish you nothing but the best of luck. To Charlie... Charlie I'm sorry I never got to go to the reserve to study dragons with you. We were going to go on so many adventure together, but I hope you can do that without me... Perhaps with a specific lady friend of yours at the reserve you've written to me about so much? To Ron don't blow it with Hermione she is so special. A real diamond in my own opinion, and for someone like you she's the perfect match for you. To Ginny you are the best little sister anyone could ever ask for. You and Harry make a handsome pair and I wish I could see everything in your future together. Like your wedding and your children, but I'm going to take my own word and admit that it'll all be the most beautiful that it can be and more. To Kassy please don't distance yourself from everyone, especially George. Remember I'm rooting for you two. To Lee I love you with every fiber of my being and we will see eachother again someday... Hopefully not for a longtime, but we will. Live your life to the fullest and make everyday count for something. To Fred and George my amazingly, moronic, and hilarious twin brothers. You two are geniuses in your own right and Weasleys Wizard Wheezes will still be successful even after my death. I helped where I could and have left all the recipes for my potions in my room above the shop. Also I had an ingenious idea for a hair color changing potion which I also left the drawn out possibility for ideas on how to make the potion. I know my death will effect you as much if not more than it will Mom and Dad. George go for it with Kassy please. You've been dating and dancing around the idea of marriage for so long that I wanted to pull my own hair out. Fred dear sweet Freddie. I need you to do me a favor and reach out to Angelina for goodness sake. You never know when it is your time to go and you have fancied her since 2nd year. I thought you would finally start dating after the Yule Ball in 6th year, but I was wrong. Well I believe that's everyone that I want to say goodbye to. I love you all, and wish you happy lives.

                Your loving,
                         Daughter, Sister, Best Friend, and Girlfriend (Y/n)"

   Once Kassy was done speaking she looked to George and threw her arms around him crying into his chest. Mom and Dad embraced eachother while the rest of us held eachother. Eventually everything will get easier, but it will never be the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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