Viktor Krum x Reader: Part 2

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Still a backstory chapter.

I woke up bright and early the next morning and went to breakfast with Kassy and the boys. I watched my owl fly down and drop a letter infront of me and I fed it a piece of muffin. I took the letter and opened it slowly.


That is a disgrace to the family name! As of the moment you receive this letter you are nolonger our daughter. Your Mother and I are very disappointed in you. You will not have a place here when the school year is finished, and you will not visit during Christmas. We are disowning you.

Lucius Malfoy

My hand flew to my mouth to shove back the cries trying to escape. This was bad. I knew they wouldn't be accepting of this, but I didn't expect them to disown me entirely. I set the letter down and looked to my food not feeling so hungry anymore. Fred motioned to the letter, and you motioned that he could read it. His fork hit his plate and he looked at the letter furiously then handed it to George. George got up after reading it and went to another red headed boy. A nice older red headed boy ran back over to you handing your letter to you and hauling you up. Then he proceeded to take you to Dumbledor who sat at the head table eating with the other teachers.

"Headmaster! I must speak with you! It's urgent." The red headed boy gestures to you and you hand the letter to him. Dumbledor reads over it and automatically stands from his chair followed by Professor McGonagall.

"Whats wrong Mr. Weasley?" She looks between the three of us and the headmaster just gestures for us to follow him. He takes us to his office and hands the letter to the professor. Who gapes at it before looking at you. "I'm so sorry dear. Dumbledor what are we going to do about this?" She looks to the wise old man who strokes his beard in thought.

"Well there aren't many options we can pursue for young Ms. Malfoy. She needs a new family. I would offer her to stay here over the summer, however, the only other people on the grounds than myself are Hagrid and Filch. None of us young enough to keep up with a child." He sat at his desk while I stood shuffling my feet. The boy next to me put his hand on my shoulder.

"I could write to my mother and see what we can do. With Bill out of the house there might be something we could do." He spoke to the headmaster.

"Thank you Charlie. I will write a note for your tardiness." McGonagall grabbed a piece of paper and a quill and scribbled on it quickly then handed it to Charlie.

"Thank you, Charlie." He smiles at you then walks out of the room. Both professors look to me for a moment.

"Do you feel up to going to your classes today dear? I'm sure the Weasleys wouldn't mind taking notes for you." McGonagall asks me directly.

"I don't want to miss the first day of classes. Thank you though Professor." She grabbed another piece of paper and scribbled on it quickly then handed it to me. I nodded in thanks then turned and left the room.

~Timeskip to the end of the year~

The Weasley's had offered to take you in. I am more than grateful and I even had a benefactor for funds. Since the Weasleys were short of money, a rich family in the Gryffindor house started sending a monthly stipend for me.

"Come have a seat dear." I sat down at the table. "I'm Molly Weasley. We are going to try to give you a good life dear. Is there any specific request that you have?" I looked into her eyes and exhaled.

"I want to change my last name. I've never been a Malfoy, but I think I'd do nicely as a Weasley." She smiled at me widely.

"Just as sweet as Fred and George said you were. Of course you can be a Weasley! The more the merrier as we say." She ushered you to stand after sending an owl to her husband. "Lets go meet the others shall we?" Walking into the family room you're greeted with more red hair than you had ever seen in your whole life. "Alright dear. This is Ginny, Ron, you know Fred and George, Percy, and Charlie. Our oldest son, Bill, has already gone off for his career." She spoke proudly of her children, and it made me happy to know I had a real family now. Ginny ran up to me.

"Hello! It's so nice to have another girl around here. It can get so boring!" She hugged you and smiled widely. "Percy! Charlie! Come over here we have a new family member!" She seemed to be unable to stop smiling.

"Well Ginny I met her during the school year. She's actually got really good eyes, so I need to watch out for my spot on the Quidditch team as seeker." I blushed at Charlie's words.

"You know I wouldn't take it from you Charlie. Besides I'd much rather be a chaser." He ruffled my hair after I spoke.

"Yes and with her being friends with Fred and George I met her almost instantly. They wouldn't stop bragging about how nice this Malfoy was. Though I do have to say you are nothing like Lucius." Percy spoke to you and Ginny. "Welcome to the family (Y/n). I think you will like it here much better." I hugged Percy and he hugged me back after the initial surprise of it. However, it then turned into a group hug from everyone.

"I feel kind of out of place here. You all have red hair and mine is blonde. Very blonde." I touched my hair after the group hug broke apart. My new Mom drew her Wand.

"Do you want me to color it for you?" She asked sweetly and I smiled and nodded. She pointed her Wand at my hair and spoke. "Colovaria." I watched my hair change colors from bright blonde to bright red. I smiled wide.

"I fit in with you guys now!" Fred and George ruffled my hair.

"It suits you much better than blonde does, (Y/n). Come on we want to show you around!" George said as he dragged me away from everyone.

~Timeskip to year 3~

"Alright! Third year!" My hair had stayed permanently red, but changed colors occasionally to my mood. We got off the train and ran to where we needed to go.

"This is going to be a good year I can feel it!" Fred exclaimed as we continued the trek. Once we arrived we went straight to the Great Hall, and sat down at the table. Professor Snape sat a stool down infront of the hall and Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on top of it. She turned back to the doors and walked out of them waiting for the first years.

"I can't believe Ron is already 11 years old. He's going to be a handful here at Hogwarts." I spoke as we waited for the first years to arrive. The twins nodded in agreement and looked to the doors. Soon a large group of kids walked through the door following Professor McGonagall. Once to the front Dumbledor gave his usual speech about areas that were out of bounds to students. Once he finished McGonagall started calling names, and we waited to hear Ron's name.

"Draco Malfoy!" My face paled a bit at the name. She started to lower the hat onto his head, but it didn't want to touch him.

"Slytherin!" It bellowed as it tried to pull itself up away from him.

"Ronald Weasley!" He sat down on the stool. The professor put the hay on his head.

"Hah! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!" It hollers out and he runs over to sit next to the girl who say next to you earlier.

"Harry Potter." The Great Hall went silent and Dumbledor sat forward. Almost as if he didn't expect him to come. I stared in awe as a young boy walks up to the chair and sits down.

"Hmm difficult very difficult. Plenty of courage I see and not a bad mind either. There's talent yes and thirst to prove yourself." The boy muttered something. "Not Slytherin aye? You could be great you know. It could pave your way to greatness, but no? Then it better be... Gryffindor!" My jaw hit the table as he walked over to sit next to Ron. I turned to the girl.

"(Y/n) Weasley! It's nice to meet you." I said to her happily.

"Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure. I believe I've met your brother." I smiled at her.

"Which one? There are three here." I smiled at her. I pointed to the boys next to me. "This is Fred and George Weasley." She smiled and they moved to shake her hand slightly. She smiled while doing so.

"Harry I want you to meet my sister (Y/n) and my brothers Fred and George." Ron spoke to Harry. I turned and stuck out my hand to shake his.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Harry. Mom and Dad used to talk about the boy who lived all the time." I realized my mistake and looked down. "I didn't mean it like that. Sorry."

"Hey its okay! You seem really nice. Plus your Ron's sibling how bad can you be?" He stated more than asked which made you feel a bit better about yourself. A good year this one will be indeed.

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