Tom Riddle x Reader

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In this one shot the reader is the Grey Lady not Helena Ravenclaw.

Neither you or Tom could say how or when it happened, but you both fell in love with eachother. The feelings shared between the two of you only being discovered in your third year. Both of you decided to confess and started dating that year. It's your 7th year now and your relationship has really taken off. Even with your difference in houses you being a Gryffindor and him being a Slytherin. Currently you sat in the courtyard studying potions when hands cupped your eyes.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice said behind you.

"Uh... Hmm... Thomas French?" You heard him scoff. "Rubeus Hagrid?" Another scoff. "Or it could be my favorite person in Hogwarts. Tom Riddle." He came to be infront of you and knelt down on the ground.

"Only took you three guesses." He stated in mock anger. "I thought you were supposed to be the smartest person in Gryffindor." You gasped in a hurt manner jokingly. He leaned forwards and kissed you savoring the feel of your lips on his. "I hope you know I love you." He smiled at you with that charming smile.

"I love you too, Tom." You leaned forward to kiss him, but he looked down. He looked around you both to make sure you were alone.

"I actually wanted to ask you something. You turned 18 over the Christmas holiday, and we'll I did too." He cleared his throat and reached into his robes pocket. He brought out a small box. "I know we're still in school, but I am sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. From day one you've been my entire support system, and I can't tell you how grateful I am. So (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n) will you marry me?" You stared at him in shock and slowly reality sank in on you. Quickly nodding your head yes.

"Yes! Once we get out of school of course." He smiled and slipped the ring on your finger then brought you in for a kiss.

~Timeskip to 3 months later~

You couldn't find Tom anywhere today. The two of you had a date today, but he never showed and it worried you. He never missed a single Saturday date, because he knew how much time you put into your appearance for him. Today you wore an emerald green dress that went down to your mid-calf, and black flats to match. You walked through the corridors going to the only place you could think he would be. The Room of Requirement. You arrived at the door and it appeared for you so you walked in. Looking at your surroundings you realized he was in a working mood. Walking up the spiral staircase to the second floor study which you probably knew too well. You heard him talking on the other side of the bookcase so you walked around it.

"If you were going to miss date night you could've-" You couldn't finish your sentence though, because you were suddenly becoming faint. You took a glance behind you to see a girl you had seen in class from time to time tied up. Infront of you was Tom with his Wand drawn and a look of horror written across his face. You felt yourself falling but couldn't break it. Tom was suddenly holding you and trying to talk to you, but you couldn't hear him. You used all the strength you had left to squeeze his hand in reassurance. Then your eyes closed in an eternal sleep. Tom couldn't believe he just did that. To you of all people? No. It had to be a bad dream he couldn't lose you when you both had a full future ahead of you. A promising marriage, children, and power unclaimed.

"No. No no no!" He rubbed the side of your cheek which was turning cold. "I love you and I am so so sorry. I should've paid attention to the time." He moved out from under your body carefully as if you were actually still alive, but just asleep. He cast an incantation so time wouldn't take your beauty from your features. Then turned to the Diadem which glowed a slight green showing that the horcrux had been made. "That was meant to be you that did that. It was meant to be you!" Without even blinking he killed the girl as well. Just tossing her dead body to the side as if it meant nothing to him. Using a spell he learned in class he made a coffin, then placed the your body in it. He cast a glance at the Diadem and placed it on your head then shut your eyes. "I am so sorry my love. We will someday see eachother again, but it will be a longtime until that happens." He shut the lid to the coffin and walked away never returning to the Room of Requirement again.

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