Sirius x Reader

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I include myself in alot of the stories I write. Sorry if that's narcissistic, but it makes me feel like I have friends.

Year 1

You and your friend James ran onto the train headed for Hogwarts. Ready to start your adventures of mischief. You both plopped into an empty compartment giggling. Two boys peaked into the window of the compartment. One of them had dark blonde hair, and the other had black hair. The one with the black hair opened the door.

"Hello can we sit in here? Everyone else is alot older and Remus isn't comfortable near them." You smiled and looked to James who invited them in promptly.

"I'm James Potter, of course you can sit in here!" The two boys piled in and put their stuff away.

"I'm Sirius Black." He stuck his hand out for James to shake, which he did happily.

"I'm Remus Lupin." The blonde shook James hand as well. The two now looked at you expectantly.

"I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." You stuck your hand out to shake their hands. Remus was the first to accept it, and then Sirius followed shortly after. You went to speak again when another boy burst into the room.

"Hello can I sit in here with you?" You scooted over and threw your legs over James' legs when he sat close enough. The new boy sat down on the other side of James and looked at us. He seemed nervous.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)." You shook his hand and he smiled.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew it's nice to meet you!" He then shook everyone else's hands as everyone went around sharing small bits of information about themselves. A head of bright blonde hair ran by the door followed by a head of crazy black hair. Sirius hid his face a bit to make sure they didn't see him. Another girl ducked into the car and sat beneath the window so noone could see her. Once the blonde boy and the dark ahired girl ran by again she sighed and leaned against the door. Only then realizing how many people were in here. Her and Sirius made eye contact.

"Ah Sirius. You hiding as well?" He laughed a bit, and nodded. "Well since you're not the gentleman type to introduce me to your new friends I will. I'm Kassy Malfoy. I hope you don't mind if I just sit here for a little while. I'm just hiding from my brother and his friend Bellatrix." Sirius offered her a seat next to him to which she shook her head no thank you.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). This is James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and that's Remus Lupin." She shook hands with the consecutive person to the name provided. "I have a feeling we're all going to be very good friends."

Year 2

All of you got sorted into Gryffindor the previous year. Which was odd seeing as Kassy was a Malfoy and Sirius was a Black. The six of you were studying for your potions finals. When Kassy's friend Lily Evans and her friend Severus Snape walked by. James looked up from his book and watched as they sat down under a tree not too far away. He smirked and went over to them.

"Look what we have here. Snivelous." Kassy became outraged and shoved her book into her bag. James drew his wand and aimed at Severus.

"Expelliarmus!" Kassy cast the spell and James' wand flew from his hand. "You want a duel Potter. Then it's me you will face." She moved infront of Snape, and you got infront of her.

"Kassy stand down. Come on you two the four of us are going to study somewhere else." All four of you picked up your bags and books and walked away to the library. The weeks followed by that incident James always made sure that Kassy and Lily were never near when the guys decided to pick on Severus. Most of the time they even made sure you weren't near either. They still loved you and Kassy, but once they realized both of your stances on bullying they didn't want you around when they did.

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