Remus x Reader

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               5th Year

   I fix my hair in the girls second floor lavatory. My next class was potions and Remus Lupin was in that class with me. I still hadn't told any of the boys that Remus had gotten me pretty bad during the last full moon. That's right I'm an animagus so anytime I want to I can turn into an arctic wolf. However back to the present. I moved my hair over the formerly deep cut that was on the side of my neck. I picked my bag up quickly and rushed to potions so I wouldn't be late. I took my usual seat next to Remus and pulled out my textbook.

   "Today class we will be brewing Amortentia. Turn to page 484 and ready your cauldrons its going to be a long day." Slughorn smiled at me as he walked past.

   "We're brewing a love potion? I thought we weren't allowed to brew love potions?" Remus piped up from next to me.

   "Well you're only allowed to when you have supervision. To make sure you don't try to slip it to someone." Slughorn responded to Remus who nodded in understanding.

   "I can't believe we're doing this." Remus said to me excitedly as I handed him the right amounts of the next ingredient.

   "Yeah! It's kind of thrilling isn't it?" I asked him, and he nodded. Forgetting about the cut on my neck I pulled my hair up into a bun so it would be out if the way.

   "What happened (Y/n)?" I looked to Remmy confused until I remembered and hid it under my hair again.

   "It's nothing Remmy. No need to worry about me and my clumsiness." Once class finished we made our way to the Great Hall for lunch. We sat down with the rest of the group, and we went into normal conversation.

               Remus' POV

   "So (Y/n) care to share with the rest of the group what happened to your neck?" I asked her once again. She messed with her hair on the side of her face to cover it up more.

   "What's he talking about (Y/n)?" James asked from across the table concern laced into his voice. The full moon had been a couple weeks ago, and she had disappeared a couple hours before dawn. She sighed heavily once she realized everyone was looking at her.

   "Well, uhm, last full moon I kind of got hit really bad." She pulled her hair back to show the cut. Since I was sitting next to her I grabbed her chin and the back of her neck gently.

   "I did this..." She started shaking her head quite forcefully. "I-I shouldn't have let you do this. I'm too dangerous. Excuse me I have a few things I need to do." I grabbed my book bag and got up from the table walking briskly away. I heard the patter of feet behind me and once we were out of the Great Hall she pulled me into a more secluded area. "You shouldn't be near me! I could-" I got cut off by her lips on mine.

   "I'm not about to just leave you alone. I love you too much to let you go through this alone, Remmy." She grabbed my hand softly and looked up into my eyes. I looked down at our intertwined hands, and smiled.

   "You love me? Even with all of my faults?" I asked her astonished.

   "Yes. I understand that you might not love me back, but that's okay. We can still be friends I hope." I pulled her into another kiss this one longer and filled with more passion.

   "I love you too. Thank you for not leaving me behind." I told her as she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

   "I'd never leave you behind, Love." I buried my face in her hair until we heard snickering. We both looked over to the source to find James, Sirius, and Peter.

   "I knew you two would end up together by the end of term." Sirius said as he held out his hand and James dropped a handful of galleons in his palm.

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