Chapter 12: Meeting of the Grimm Reaper, Immortal, Demon, and Mortal

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Hello EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the new update that your waiting for (or not) and thank you for 4K reads. Wattpad again has delete this part and I've been having a writer's block. The above video is the 3rd episode of the Book of Circus. Also the contest is still going on and no I'm not spoiling on who is in the lead for the cover. Well that's it for now and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your POV

Oh shoot. I thought to myself as William took a good look at me first than to Sebastian his face wrinkled as if he swallowed a lemon.

"I thought I sensed something fowl just now to think it was you." William said as he extended his death scythe (the tree trimmer) and hit close to Sebastian and begins to slide down with it.

"You fowl demon!" he shouted retracting back the death scythe and pointing dangerously at Sebastian.

(A death scythe is a tool that only a grimm reaper can use and can cut through anything except two things; another death scythe and one of them..... you'll see it later. Another fact is that each grimm reaper has their own unique death scythe to their own preferences. Also they are natural enemies with demons who eat the souls where the grimm reapers collect them for there records of life also known as 'Cinematic Records'.)

"Demon?" Dagger ask as the rest of the newbies begin to whisper to each other.

This isn't good if they discover that Sebastian is really a demon than he would be in great danger. I said to myself looking at Sebastian with a worried expression on my face.

"Ha ha nice one Suits! If you are telling a joke with a face like that than everyone will think you're speaking the truth." Dagger suddenly said while he laugh hitting WIlliam's forehead lightly.

"I'm not going to work with a savage beast like him." William said as he fix his spectacles and left the group and head toward the tightrope ladders.

"Don't mind him you three he has been saying jokes from day 1. Always talking about souls these days but other wise he's a perfectly good guy." Dagger said to Sebastian, Ciel, and me with a gleeful expression on his face.

"Excuse me for a second." I said interfering what Dagger was going to say next and left to talk with Williams.

When I walked over to him I spoke in a clear voice but quiet enough so only he could hear my voice.

"William we need to talk."

"Well can it wait and besides what's with you and that beast?" William said with a grime expression on his face.

"No it can not wait and besides that 'beast' has a name you know."

"Fine let's go outside then." William said giving up and started to go outside walking like a perfect general preparing himself in a war with his death scythe on his side.

After we went outside we begin to converse quietly and quickly as we can before anyone can found ou about us.

"So what have you've been up too lately? Nobody at the headquarters saw you for a whole century and never had word from you." William begins to speak.

"I've been traveling around the world learning many things on the way until I settled in London three years ago." I replied.

"Well I had no need to worry about you because when we first met you were pointing that weapon of yours at my throat demanding where you are." William said with a small smile that appears on his emotionless face.

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