Chapter 15: Confession and Departure of Love

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Hello everyone! Here is the new update and I updated a bit quicker than I usual do but it's okay. The above video is the sixth episode of the Book of Circus. Now please ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your POV

"So what do you want to talk about. Now that young master has been treated and is now resting." Sebastian said while I was leaning on the wall.

"Well do you remember the vision that I had back at the Undertaker's place?" I said starting to talk about the case.

"Yes my kitten I believe I do remember."

"Stop with the 'kitten' why are you even calling me that anyways?!"

Sebastian became silent and with sudden speed came right in front of me placing one of his hands on the space beside my head, and moved his face closed to mine with only a couple of centimeters apart. Then he began speaking in a seducing yet smooth way.

"Because you are mine and mine alone."

"Since when did you decided that I was yours demon?" I said sarcastically.

"Since I kissed you after we agreed to join the circus. Ever since then you are my only 'kitten'."

"Fine but can I explain on what my vision was and besides you're getting a bit too close for my standards."

"I'm afraid not." Sebastian said before his lips crashed into mine and my eyes opened wide with surprised but I close my eyes and let myself relax and wrap my arms around his neck.

A couple of minutes later we were still making out and we finally stop both of us gasping for breath. Each of us staring into each others' eyes and looking at the beauty of them.

"How are we suppose to explain this to the young master?" I said panting continuing to stare into Sebastian's ruby eyes.

"Well why we keep this to our selves for a while and let's have a cup of tea and talk about your vision. Alright my kitten?" Sebastian said with a small smile that made my heart pound faster than the speed of sound.

"Alright than my raven." I said making a mischievous smile on my face and Sebastian seemed surprised when I called him that.


"Yes my very own raven and besides you call me kitten so it's fair that I call you something too."

"Fine let's get some tea and tell me of your vision." Sebastian said as we started to head toward the kitchen.

"Alright than it's going to be a long story."

(All of you Black Butler fans you know what happens after Ciel and Sebastian arrives at the Kelvin mansion all of the events are being recalled and were in those visions that you had. I'm being lazy and I'm not typing the whole thing down. Also for you who didn't watch that episode sorry. Now back to the story.)

"So that's it Sebastian. What do you think?" I said finishing up leaving Sebastian speechless.

"Well you're a unusual being that I've ever meet. Can you please tell me what you are 'cause your the first being ever to predict the future so accurately and you have an unusual soul." Sebastian comment on what I had said and I could sense his curiosity.

"I'm still not telling you until you answer this riddle." I said smirking seeing Sebastian's disappointed expression.

"Well what is it?" Sebastian said his excitement went up.

"I am the beginning and I am the end

I am the light yet I can be deceiving

I am the savior yet I am the destroyer

I am the sun and the moon

Yet I am not a male but a female

What am I?" I said making a riddle that Sebastian won't be able to solve for a long period of time. (Can you guys guess the riddle leave the answer at the comments below and I'll tell you if the answer is right or wrong.)

"Alright I can not answer the riddle right now but I'll always get it later my kitten." Sebastian said winking at me in a sexy way.

"You probably won't get it right for years but try to answer it my darling." I reply in the same tone that Sebastian used earlier.

"Oh don't you say in that tone my kitten or I might just bite you." Sebastian said as he brought his face closer to mind and bite a bit of my neck which made me groan slightly.

"Sebastian stop that I still didn't told you the thing I want to talk about." I said gently pushing him away.

"Hmm and what is it?"

"I need to go back to the mansion to um supervise them so they won't destroy the mansion or burn it down." I said thinking back to the burning of the Kelvin mansion.

Sebastian became silent for a while and it looked like he was reviewing his thoughts. I swear it was about half a hour before Sebastian had made a respond. In the end he agreed and I got ready to leave the town house as I was doing so Sebastian got me a horse so I won't have to go on foot.

A few minutes later

"Good looks like I'm all set." I said tying a silver cloak around my neck.

"Be careful _____________ I don't want you getting hurt." Sebastian said observing me from head to toe.

I was in the same outfit I was in when I was performing at the circus (the red/orange one) except I was letting my hair down and covering up my fair and most of my face with the hood.

"I'll be alright you haven't seen me fight with my full strength yet. So there is no need to worry. If I didn't what kind of maid will I be?" I said with a smirk.

"Alright but before you go I want to give you something." Sebastian said coming closer to me and kissing me full on the lips.

After he finally stop kissing me leaving me in shock he murmured good-bye and went back inside without looking back.

Oh well even though he kissed me about three times already, and beside he's a demon and he'll look after himself and Ciel. I thought to myself brought myself on top of the horse and made the horse gallop and started to leave the mansion.

Without me knowing though Sebastian had left the door a bit open and was looking at me as I leave. He heaved a sigh and begins to talk with himself.

"I really hope she'll be alright."

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