They say you died.

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You died that night.

If only I didn't remember.

I want to forget.

We had dreamed of a life together.

You were taken too soon from this world.

Yes, it's true.

Then, why?

Why have you become this?

Every day I see you.

Whether I'm awake or asleep.

You've become my nightmare.

Your presence, I dread.

For days, I have not slept.

I can't. You won't let me.

I'm losing my mind.

That's what you want, right?

Do you know?

Did you learn the secret I kept from you?

Is this your revenge, or is it the universe?

I've cleansed the house.

And yet you're still there.

Maybe you're just in my head.

Is it even you?

Or is someone pretending to be you?

You died that night... so they say.

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