Dracula's castle

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*Not edited*
Previously on Emerald,
" Soon they will all submit to me and nobody is going to stop me."
Present moment (500 years later)(To monsters 50 years= 1 year of aging)(10 years later) At Dracula's castle
"Are you okay, still not feeling alright." Dracula asked with concern. His wife was on the sitting on the balcony rail on the 7th floor of the castle
"I don't know something just feels off. Maybe it's Emerald?" She looked at Dracula with sadness in her eyes.
"Dawn, I feel so helpless just standing here, while our daughter is missing, but she is strong, i know she has not succumb to the hunger."
*sighs* "I really hope she's alright, that nothing happened to her, or else who knows what will happen, when she has no control." Suddenly Dracula looked at her with a mixture of feeling from surprised, shocked, to scared.
"Dawn, I just realized if she has no control of herself when she doesn't feed, what is going to happen to her." 
"Oh no. We need to find her! She has to be found or else-" Dawn started hyperventilating, shaking, and her eyes changed to a blood red eye color. Dracula immediately gabbed her, as she tried to run out and tried to soothe her while she was trying to get out of his grip.
"LET ME GO, LET ME GO DAMMIT!" Dawn hissed at Dracula.
"Dawn you know I can't you go until you calm down." Dracula said as calmly as he can to his wife.
"I NEED TO FIND HER, LET ME GO, DRACULA, I NEED TO FIND HER! LET ME GO NOW!" Knowing that only one thing will calm her down, the only thing he didn't want to do, he yelled at his guards to bring a human to the 7th floor and to put them in the room behind them. As soon as he said that, the guards opened the door to the balcony and the room, and a young female human was in the middle of the room shaking uncontrollably. Dracula dragged Dawn to the entrance of the room and ordered the guards to get out. Dawn saw the human and her fangs, and claws came out. Dracula whispered to the female human.
"I'm sorry, I hope one day you can forgive us." The human was shaking and started to silently sob. Dawn was still struggling and looking at the human, then Dracula let Dawn go. As soon as he did that, Dawn lunged at the human and started to tear her throat apart, then she drank the blood, pouring from the throat. Dracula looked away, for a brief moment until he heard crying. He looked back, and saw Dawn looking at her hands, full of blood, shaking and crying.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Dawn kept repeating those words, and it reminded Dracula about Emerald. Dracula walked over to Dawn and put his coat over her, as soon as he did that she gasped and looked at him. Her eyes were full of guilt and sadness. Dracula gave a little smile, put his hand around her and she started crying into his chest.
"It's okay Dawn, it happens sometimes, you are just worried about her. We will find her, and bring her home."
"Im scared, its been 500 years since we saw her, what if she hasn't fed.
Suddenly there was a knock at the double doors.
"Sir, we found your daughter!"
Dawn and Dracula looked at each other with joy.
"Where is she at! Is she here?"
Suddenly the Guard's face turned into fear. Dracula sensed this.
"Where is my daughter? Answer me!"
The Guard looked scared but answered.
"She's attacking the school, we tried to calm her down, but she killed at least 30 of us."
Dracula looked at Dawn with fear, while Dawn was looking at the guard in disbelief.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER, TELL ME!" Dracula was worried.
"We don't know sir but she might be consumed by bloodlust."
"Dawn, we have to go. We have to get our daughter back no matter what."
Dawn nodded and left the room in a flash, while Dracula looked at the guard.
"Get this mess cleaned up, NOW!"
"Yes sir." The guard signaled for more guards to come in, they took the body away, and cleaned up the remaining blood on the floor. Dracula went to the balcony looked into the distance.
"We will get you back my little girl." Dracula said with tears in his eyes, hoping that Emerald didn't corrupt.
Hey you guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I spent an hour on it, thinking about what to write and all that jazz. So Emerald's mom's name was revealed, (Dawn) and we got to see a soft side of Dracula, when he cares about his family. And if you guys got any questions leave it in the comment section and I will respond, as soon as I can. By the way the guards in the vampire's house are monsters in human forms. I'll update before the weekend, until then see you.

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